Pancreatic cancer

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  • 23 subscribers

Hi I am new to this I was in Spain and got a pain down my left side I went to the hospital were they gave me a scan and said I had a bleed and a tumour on my pancreas they did a operation took the tumour out but found out it had broke my spleen so they removed that as well I am now home been to see the consultant two weeks ago and he sent me for a scan going to see him Monday to find out what we have to do next he on the first visit said chemotherapy I and my hole family are devastated with all this 8 weeks ago I was fine now I have only a certain amount of time to live feel sick 

  • Hi there. My name is Sarah. I was diagnosed one week ago with pancreatic cancer spread to liver. Stage 4. The week before I was in Dubai. I also feel sick with fear x 

  • Sarah I totally understand how you feel. I was diagnosed with Pabcrearic Cancer in October 2022 two weeks after coming home from a holiday in Croatia. It took a while to get all the necessary test done but I starred Cheno just before Christmas 2022 which continued until November 2023. I had a new type of radiotherapy in August in between the Chemo. I was hoping that the tumour could be shrunk and maybe removed but it was attached to blood vessels so that was not an option. I am currently off Chemo as the tumour is stable. I will have another scan in 3 months at which stage I will be hoping it remains stable and I can get on with my life again. I am also on OxyContin 20mg twice a day as the pain is quite severe although once the Chemo started it improved greatly. Thankfully for me mine was confined to my Pancreas and hadn't spread to my liver. If you feel I can be of any help please get back to me

  • Hi Sarah sorry to hear that you have it this cancer just seems to come from nowhere I see the consultant this afternoon to see we’re we go from here its the waiting that’s the worse I had my opp in Spain and had to pay for it 

  • Thank you for replying. Apparently I’m fit and well ( the irony of that is not lost on me!) so they’re going to throwing everything at me. It’s just so scary. Especially at 0450 every morning when I wake up 

  • That sucks. We have to be positive as that helps our treatment. Apparently. But it is so hard to be positive and brave