Agonising waits.

  • 4 replies
  • 26 subscribers

I was diagnosed with pancreatic adenocarcinoma in the distant tail of the pancreas last Monday. I thought that would be it, they would be whipping me off for chemotherapy or something pretty much straight away. They called after their MDT meeting today and I now have an appointment next Friday for an endoscopic ultrasound biopsy and I have to have a PET-CT scan as well, which could be another two weeks. I know it's all progress but it seems such a long wait. My life just feels completely on hold now. Has this been everyone elses experience and how did you cope with the wait?

  • My husband was diagnosed in May we had to wait for biopsy results and then be referred to specialist oncologist- it was about 3 weeks after biopsy that he had first chemo and we have private healthcare.  They couldn’t confirm cancer until biopsy had proven it was I believe.  On a positive note He is having cycle 17 today of chemo and is doing amazingly well.

  • I know how you feel, everything seems to go in slow motion.   I first went into hospital at the end of November and I did not get confirmation of the pancreatic cancer until after my op in the middle of Jan.    I was luck with the wait as we had Christmas to take my mind of it.  Try to stay positive throughout the wait and carry on as normal.   I was worried about it spreading whilst I was waiting for the various scans which were never conclusive.  The team looking after me assured me that the cancer would not spread quickly. You are in good hands with the professionals.   Best of luck. 

  • Thank you Beppe, you have made me feel a bit better with your response, I've hardly had any contact with hospital doctors, just going in for various scans and my GP isn't confident enough in her knowledge to tell me anything other than the basics (and I wouldn't expect her to). All I can imagine is the cancer eating it's way through my body and no one is in a rush to stop it but now you've put my mind at ease a bit. Thank you.

  • Hi ...I went into hospital 3 months ago today with severe jaundice...the doctor suspected pancreatic cancer. I have had all the scans including the pet scan and had a metal stent fitted.  I signed my consent form and will apparently start 12 x chemo treatments to shrink the mass within the next few weeks.  I have also felt anxious about the spread ..waiting all this time for treatment.