Mum PC diagnosis

  • 5 replies
  • 24 subscribers

Hello everyone 

Just looking for some support from people who understand this awful illness.

My mum is 69 and has just been diagnosed with PC. 
We are still waiting for further procedures to determine if it has spread and what treatment can be offered. 

I have spent the last week feeling so many emotions- sadness, anger, panic, fear and just general terror of what lies ahead for us as a family. We are only a small family and my mum is the centre of our world. She is my best friend and I love her so much.

I am being strong in front of her but I am really struggling mentally and don’t want to become unwell myself as I know that will stress her out more and then I’ll feel guilty. I just feel there’s so much pressure at the moment and uncertainty for all of us. 

Just wondered if these feelings are normal and how people are dealing with them?

Lots of love x

  • Hello

    So sorry to hear what you are going through. I am going through something similar with my mum and have gone and still go through all of the things you mention, they are unfortunately completely normal.

    I am starting counselling as struggling with the fears and painful feelings that come along with my situation. I find talking to those who have been in similar situations  helps as many friends and family just won't get how difficult it is.

    It is hard but try to remember to take care of yourself. Keeping up with exercise and doing things that relax me helps me get more energy to continue fighting the battle.

    Sending love your way


  • Thank you very much for your response Sam and I am sorry to hear you are going through the same thing. 
    I have sought some support for my own mental health and I am trying to do things that I know helps me like going to the gym and outside for a walk. I think I am just still processing everything and coming to terms with what the future could hold. 
    I hope you continue to find the energy and hope to keep going. 

    Sending love 


  • Hi Caroline,

    Thank you for your well wishes. Yes, it does take time to sink.... our familys cancer journey has been going on for a few years now and sometimes it still doesn't feel real. 

    I also found doing some practical things to help support my mum also helped me, such as attending appointments with her consultants. If your mum will let you I highly recommend this. My mum was in not in the right mindset to take things in properly and to ask questions. I took notes for her at each appointment and prepared questions with her beforehand which helped me and her feel a bit more prepared. Sometimes some of the language used by Drs can be a bit technical and my mum was always afraid to ask for more simple explanations so I did this for her. 

    I hope your wait for some more answers isn't a long one. The waiting really is nerve wracking.

    Take care 


  • You are completely not alone. This is very similar to my first post. My mum was diagnosed 2 months before her 65th birthday, that was nearly 3 months ago. The waiting is agonising! The feeling you have described unfortunately seem to be normal. My advice would be to talk and keep asking questions. Keep banging on the door for appointments and updates. 
    My mum has just completed her second of 6 rounds of chemo.(she’s not eligible for surgery). It’s tough going but she’s tougher and with all our support will hopefully put the brakes on this terrible disease and slow it down… 

    this is a great forum for support…

    try and stay strong x

  • Hello, have felt and am feeling, just the same. Its the shock and unfairness. I'm glad they are checking the stage and spread and keeping you all up to speed. Being in the dark, without much information and time lapsing by is the worst feeling. The whole close family is along for the ride with cancer and the best you can do is be informed and offer support where and when possible. 

    My Dad had PC, along with kidney cancer and we had him with us going through it, for three and a half years, before we sadly lost him in October. He had just turned 66.

    Please feel free to chat to me as and when, either on here or as a private message and I will gladly listen and let you know of our experiences with Dad. Thinking of you, its tough xxxx