
  • 4 replies
  • 22 subscribers

Has anyone had Capecitiban as a second line of treatment? Any info on what the regime is and any side effects. Hubby has advanced pancreatic cancer with nets on liver, lung and adrenal gland and had folfox as his first line of attack and is due to complete his 12th round on Thursday with a scan on 23/6. Saw the oncologist today and he suggested the next steps would be a maintenance programme of Capecitiban which would mean no more PICC line, fewer hospital visits and more freedom. Any advance info on what to expect would be appreciated. 

  • Hi  

    I haven't been on this drug but I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet.

    I searched the group for people who mentioned capecitiban but drew a blank, but if you meant capecitabine, then I found these posts for you to have a look through.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Many thanks Latchbrook - most helpful - spelling of drug names doesn’t come easy to the uninitiated. Lol 

  • Ha, ha. Yes, I know what you mean. I've learnt all sorts of medical terms and treatment names over the last few years.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi I have been taking capecitabine for about a week now along with daily radiotherapy, and to be honest the only side effects I’ve had is a little blotting feeling, so please don’t worry we all get a little more tired buV is that the drug or just us getting a little older, I hope that this helps and if further side effects start I will let you know. Please keep your chin up, I have totally lost my mind and talk to mV cancer and tell it is not going to win, sometimes the language isn’t very polite!!!