Hi all, how it all aterted

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  • 22 subscribers

Hi all, this all really started when i came off Naproxen after nearly 3 years of taking it, and my doctors treated my with erosive gastritis, gave me cosmocol to treat me with constipation, and whenevr i ate went straight through me for a while and i lost nearly 10kgs. They kept pumping me with other meds to treat me. I had the Ultrascan, camera down the throat and ct scan. One scan  said my pancrease was of nornal size and appearance. i went to the doctor 2 weeks befor christmas and he said to me that `you don`t look well`, and i said i don`t feel good. he asked me how long will it take to get home as i drove there and i said 10 mins, and he said he will phone me at home. he phoned and wanted to speak to my wife, and my wife had to tell me that i had cancer, not by him, and it had spread to my liver. I went into a dark room for weeks with dinial and depression and really horrible thoughts, and i had no support from my doctors at all. i have just had a biopsy on my pancreas and the radio;ogist said to me that he has some good news for me and that is the cancer has not gone to my liver, nowhere. So he said the next cause of action would be 3 months of chemo and go from there. that news lifted my head up.The cancer consultant at the hospital was so digusted of my doctor and had tp opoligise. i have felt let down and to be told it had spread and it had not, i don`t trust my doctor anymore.

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to read what a difficult experience you had with your original doctor but I hope you'll find, as I did, that the doctors at the hospital are caring and able to get you on the right treatment path.

    Wishing you all the best


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