Fluid intake

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  • 22 subscribers

Hi everyone, I was in hospital for 6 days at the end of Aug/start of Sept as I couldn't stop having diahorrea and lost a lot of fluids. I was on fluids by iv for most of my stay in hospital. They carried out different tests but couldn't find a reason for the diahorrea. Antibiotics were taken and it lessened a little, along with me going on a low residue diet. Also, it was found that my calcium levels were slightly higher than they'd like, that's been going on for a while and they found there may be something going on with my parathyroid, I'm now waiting for an outpatient appointment to see about that.

My main problem is this. On leaving hospital, the doctor told me to drink 3 litres of liquid a day, which I've been doing. But I'm up through the night for a pee every 2-3 hours and I'm getting more and more tired. The diahorrea has now totally disappeared, since 2 days ago. Would it be safe to decrease my fluid intake to 2.5 or 2 litres?

Thanks for reading

  1. Christine