Chemo hasn't worked

  • 4 replies
  • 23 subscribers


My mum has advanced metastatic pancreatic cancer (also in liver)

Her chemo had been put on hold after 4 session as she was loosing weight and suffering a lot of fatigue.  She had a CT, blood tests etc.  Seeing the Dr Friday she said unfortunately the chemo has not worked and also unfortunately had mum mum feel awful for the last 8 weeks.  Given every day is valuable this is a real shame.  We also found out that it has spread to her bones.  Its a real kick but on the upside  with no more chemo we can have some nice days and a little trip while she is well enough.

The one question we didn't ask and the Dr didn't raise is prognosis.  She originally said with the chemo its likely approx 1 year.  Given the chemo didn't work and the tumour in the pancreas has grown and spread further to bones now as well as liver its not clear how much time we have.  Or even how much time we have before she is unable to be active(ish).

We are rallying round, have a close family and I live just down the road.  

Cancer sucks.


  • Sorry to hear that chemo hasn’t worked.

    I’m guessing a difficult one to judge for the consultant.

    When diagnosed last December I was told 6 months without treatment and up to 12 months with treatment.

    Due to a delayed start and a couple of 3 week gaps due to low platelets I have just finished my cycle of 12.

    When I had my 3 week gaps between treatments (twice) I certainly started to feel better towards the end of the 3rd week.  So hopefully, the further away from the last treatment your mum had the stronger she will feel.

    I would not wish to raise false hope but a friend of mine’s wife was diagnosed 22 months ago.  She could not have surgery and refused chemo.  She is still “active”, although less so now.  My friend says a key factor in this is to have a running set of plans/trips/activities well into the future.

    They have already planned what they are doing for Christmas this year.

    I’m sure that is good advice and I intend to follow it.


  • Hi

    Thank you that is helpful.  We have some good plans but not as far as Christmas, wary about her energy levels but I think that's a great idea.  

    Sounds like you are doing well, all things considered, so hope you have a good Christmas planned.


  • Feel like I'm in a similar boat 

    My dad has been given 3 months 

    In his liver and bones 

    I'm struggling to deal with this and what's going to happen 

    It all just seems so unfair 

  • Im so sorry that's terrible news.  I agree worrying about what happens next.  Its a roller coaster.