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Hi My mum was sent home from hospital she is 84 with the diagnosis of Pancreatic cancer which has spread to her stomach and liver she has been given 3 mths to live with no treatment it has been two weeks and she is litterally dieing of starvation I have had the pallitative care team contact us yesterday to visit sometime this week. I need a little more help than any of what has been given so far I am struggling with this mentally emotionally financially and it is an absolute living nightmare.

  • Hi geani Welcome to the forum . That sounds like a very challenging time for you and it does really sound like to do need more support and maybe I can suggest the following as a starting point for you. 

    Im wondering if the Palliative Care Team have not been yet, do you have a phone number for them to ask them to visit asap and explain what you have said here to them. They should in theory be able to support you as a family and not just Mum, so they could maybe help with the mental and emotional side of this for you. Alternatively maybe you can speak with your GP who could organise some support for you or if you have a Carers centre nearby they should be able to offer some practical support. 

    In terms of general all round support Im wondering if you might like to give the Macmillan Line a call and have a chat with one of the lovely team there who can also help with the practical side and maybe let you speak to one of the Welfare and Finance folks who can maybe advise what is available for you to help. Open every day from 8am-8pm 08008080000.

    Meanwhile Im sure some huge big hugs wouldn't go amiss so I am sending some your way. xxxx


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