PC and liver cancer....... Can this cause a hoarse sounding voice and low oxygen levels?

  • 6 replies
  • 24 subscribers

My Dad, was blue lighted to hospital with breathing problems.  Scans showed he had clots on his lungs.  The scan also showed something else suspicious on there..... Further scans showed my amazing Dad had both Pancreatic Cancer and Secondary liver cancer.  His cancer is aggressive and we want to help him in any way possible.  Can anyone tell me if the person they know with PC ever sounded like they were losing their voice?  My Dad's oxygen levels were a bit low today so we will recheck them tomorrow and get help if needs be.  The hoarse throat has baffled us a bit though.  Thanks x

  • Hello Sal

    I am sorry to hear your news. Just try to take one day at a time though it is very difficult.

    My husband did have a hoarse voice but the medics put this down to the chemo he was having. Possibly your Dad's medics will give an explanation in due course.


  • Hi Squeaky, 

    Thankyou for replying.  My Dad unfortunately cannot have any treatment.  We've had the doctor out today to sort out home oxygen as Dad's Sat's are low 80's.  It's a roller-coaster of a journey isn't it.  It's so hard not being able to help him xx

  • Hello Sal

    Yes, it is hard going. My husband was able to have surgery but the cancer either was not fully removed or it returned. The chemo made no difference other to make him even more feeling unwell. Just hang in with your Dad and try to enjoy some good times.


  • Hello, think its down to chemo mainly- but my Dads voice is quite weak, I struggle to hear him on the phone and this has continued after chemo finished. Can you ask your team? x

  • Hi, thankyou for your reply.  My Dad didn't have chemo as the cancer was to advanced.  On the 2nd Feb my Dad was given 3 to 6 months to live.  Unfortunately we actually only got 19 days with my lovely Dad after his prognosis. Xx

  • Hi Sal, I have Pancreatic cancer spread to liver and have decided not to have any chemo. In answer to your question, I have had a hoarse voice and difficulty in speaking altogether but it only occurs now and again and doesn't last for long. I have no idea why this happens sometimes.