Months to live

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My wife was told last Wednesday she has advanced pancreatic cancer and given just months to live.... Shock doesn't even come close. About a year ago she started suffering with heartburn /indigestion type symptoms... Usual remedies weren't much help. I nagged her to see the doctor to rule out anything serious... Mostly worried about her heart. She is only 57. Eventually she made an appointment and bloods were taken. Then scans where lesions were found on her liver. Pancreatic cancer was the primary diagnosis. Biopsy arranged for this Wednesday. Its so cruel, just as we were planning our retirement. Now we are planning her bucket list instead. Just hope she will be fit enough for travelling. Not sure how many months we have left together. She says she is going to have every treatment available to extend her life as our niece's wedding is in 2 years.. Fingers crossed.