Terminal diagnoses

  • 3 replies
  • 22 subscribers

My husband was given a terminal diagnoses on Friday. He had a scan a year ago for a mass on his Pancreas which they said was 99% not cancer but they would scan him every three months and keep an eyeBeersn it. Due to Covid this never happened and a year down the line after falling ill with what we now know were signs of the cancer he was offered another scan. As you can imagine this has come as a maBeersive shock to us both. Due to his other health issues (stage 4 kidney disease) they have said there is no treatment they can offer as it is too dangerous for his health. They won’t give us a timelineBeersnd I’m really struggling in how to support him, he is only 62. There are so many questions I want to ask but don’t know where to start, any advice would be really helpful. 

  • Hello Darceydog

    This must have come as a shock to both of you. With any terminal cancer, and particularly pancreatic cancer, it is very difficult to give a timeline. My experience with my husband was to try to live one day at a time and not to think of the future. It is difficult but it can be done.

    One thing that I also found helpful was to call the Pancreatic Cancer UK helpline. the website is here. https://www.pancreaticcancer.org.uk/ They have nurses who are experts and are really helpful.


  • Thank you I will certainly give them a call. The MacMillan nurse has also given me his number as he said we would have more questions after the news had sunk in. It just seemed a brutal this is what you’ve got and sorry there is no treatment we can offer. We were not advised how big the tumour is, has it spread to other organs, no expected timeline . So very difficult to accept 

  • The Macmillan nurse will be very helpful. However, the PCUK nurses are experts on PC and will be able to give you lots of information. They will be able to explain more about treatments and when it can be difficult to give treatment if someone has other health issues. 
