lines of treatment for PC

  • 1 reply
  • 22 subscribers

Hi, me again!

Does anyone know how many lines of treatment there usually are for PC? I know they tend to offer a certain amount and then stop or look at other options. I'm also aware that these are pretty limited with PC...anyone know?

Dad has had surgery, folfirinox and more recently gemzar and abraxane. If this proves unsuccessful, I wonder what if anything, may potentially on the table for his recurrence?

Anyone else been in this situation? I think 18 rounds of palliative chemo is quite alot, so I reckon they will now be very limited...

  • HI Onelove3

    My husband had gemzar and then folfirinox. Neither really worked very well. Thwe next step might have been to look at clinical trials but he deteriorated very fast at that stage so nothing else was feasible.
