lymph node recurrence

  • 1 reply
  • 22 subscribers

Hi all,

Seasons greetings and happy new year ahead of tonight!

I've discussed my Dads case on here before- but the long and short of it  is that he has PC recurrence in his para-aortic lymph nodes (two) and a spot on his lung.

He is on palliative chemo- about to come to a finish- which is Abraxane and Gemzar. His scan is a month off and we really feel as though we know very little.

Back in early summer, he was rather unceremoniously told he should expect to live for months, rather than years- but of course thats rather vague and thus far he's been doing pretty well.

The information given throughout has been vague and patchy- whilst I know each case varies and is unique, the information is very generalised and not really speciific to Dad and we feel quite lost and confused.

Most info is geared towards recurrence in the pancreas itself, or liver, but nothing much about what to anticipate when the recurrence is in the lymphs.

Are signs of decline different? How do they tend to manifest? What should we expect going forward? What support is there and how is it obtained?

Dad hates discussing his illness, won't ask questions and Mum and I are unable to contact his nursing team as he refuses permission!

PCUK nurses are great, but again the advise is more generalised. 

Has anyone else been in this particular scenario and can you answer my burning questions?

Would be great to get the insight of somebody in this position, or from someone who was a carer for a loved one with this diagnosis.....

Help!! Thanks x

  • Hello Onelove3

    I'm no medical expert as you know but having been on and off these forums for over five years I have learned a bit about pancreatic cancer. I think the most significant thing is that it progresses in different ways with different people and that's why the information we get is often very vague. 

    I really don't know if signs are different if the cancer returns in the lymph nodes rather than the pancreas itself but  as I say since it manifests itself in so many ways then there probably isn't an answer.

    It is probably frustrating that your Dad hates to speak about his illness but I think you and your Mum have to be guided by this and rfespect his views.

    In all this the primary carer is the GP but if your Dad doesn't want contact.........

    This isn't very helpful I know but you are always helping others so I just wanted to offer support.
