Inoperable Pancreatic Cancer

  • 3 replies
  • 24 subscribers

My husband (58) was diagnosed with stage 2 pancreatic cancer about 6 months ago. He’s just had to finish with his chemo (Filforinox) as it was too much for him and the consultant said if it’s going to do anything to the tumour, it’s most likely to be in the first 3 months. Midway scan showed it hadn’t shrunk the tumour at all. But at least it hadn’t grown. I think my husband was hoping now he’s stopped the chemo that he’d be feeling brighter but he’s so tired. We’re off for another scan next week to see what’s what. I’m really anxious now that the chemo has finished, I feel adrift, that the tumour will now grow fast. Does the tiredness ever get less? 

  • Hi Suzi_W

    I am sorry no one has responded yet. It is very difficult to tell how people will feel with pancreatic cancer. I think that, in due course, once the chemo is a bit out of his system that he will feel less tired. Folfirinox is very draining and it will take some time to leave his body. The best piece of advice I can give is to take one day at a time and try to enjoy little pleasures.

    Let us know how you get on with the scan.


  • Hi there, my dad has PC dad has kidney cancer and following his whipple op a couple of years ago, was on folfirinox regime.

    Its very intense chemo and does cause fatigue along with other side effects. This type of chemo is the big guns if you like, in terms of strength but causes alot of unpleasant effects. Is he going to or has he had surgery?

    Chemo stays in the system for quite some time and the effects can be long lasting, so give it some time.

    If its really bothersome, have a chat to the cancer team.

    My dads cancer has returned in his lymph nodes and lung and is now going through a more gentle chemo, with the intention of controlling growth and possibly shrink the tumours. We are waiting on the scan results, annoyingly we won't know until his next appt which is seriously dragging.

    We are all here to support each other and give updates, I hope you will know more very soon.


  • Any further news? I hope things are going well xx