Fatigue without the chemo...

  • 3 replies
  • 24 subscribers

My husband, diagnosed with locally advanced inoperable PC early July, and I, are on our first steps learning to handle his condition. 

He seems to spend most of the day lying on a bed, dozing and sleeping. Getting up for lunch with a push. And spending a few hours watching tv after dinner.  If we have a reason for going out he'll rally, though it wears him out completely . On an ordinary day he falls onto the bed with no motivation to do anything around the house.

My question is, he complains of aching, which to me is pain. And if we can get this under control (hospice nurse coming on Monday), do you think he'll get some pep back?

He's on paracetamol and codeine atm, frequently wakes in the morning with a pain score of 7 or more, but has shown reluctance to take any meds at all, especially anything with 'morph' in the title.( I believe this is from seeing his mother dosed up on the stuff when she had bowel cancer 30 years ago).

As it is, he will not be able to enjoy any of what time he has left because he's just so enervated by this. I am struggling too, with the thought of this being life for a year or more. People talk of travel etc, concerts and the like, all seemingly impossible for us atm. 

  • Hello Peachez      So sorry to hear about your husband    I am a PC success story (given the fantastic news May 2020)  but even now two years on from original diagnosis  the whipples op & chemo  I get pains    it feels like a really bad stitch    the sort of pain felt after strenuous excersize    the only meds that help is codeine and paracetamol (which also helps with the cramps & diarrhoea which I still encounter and can ruin my day).   I hope the hospice nurse can do more for his pain etc.... when he/she visits Monday.

    Just thought I would drop a line to let you know that paracetamol with codeine helps me and if I am having a really bad day I take 2 codeine 2 paracetamol at the same time (but never exceed the recommended 8 max daily) and that helps alot but can make me drowsy.

    Anyway I'll not intrude any longer

    Best Wishes   Kindest Regards etc....    Blush


  • Hi, Catlyn

    I was in a very black hole 3 weeks ago, same thing as with your husband, restless but my pain level lower. I also wont take any opioid based painkillers unless absolute necessary.  My wife also under a lot of strain. So can sympathise with you. I thought I was on the way to recovery, but after a new scan a different tumour than the one originally (as it turns out incorrect diagnose) After a further week in Hospital, I have been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, how bad and treatment we will know later a consultation later today.. I did not get any phycological help, this is really important. In my case especially, earlier in the year I was prescribed some anti-depressants with Mirtazapin which up until then had not taken. However I took half the prescribed dose, changed my life, got interested in life, doing stuff, even some office paperwork, I even watched the 4th Test, but through the cancel I'm still totally knackered. So perhaps this is a way for your husband, talk to a mental health care expert and see if he can be helped.

    All the best to you both, there are so many sufferers out there, its terible, especially when they are so younr. 

  • Hi Robbe   Thank-you for your reply    I hope your consultation goes well and a diagnosis is established - I was absolutely gobsmacked when I was given the news its Pancreatic Cancer that's causing your weight loss  yellow pigmentation and grey stools  I honestly thought all I had was an infection  hepatitis or something   never in a million years did I think Cancer so I understand what you are going through and experiencing right now.                         After the initial shock I thought ok your not giving in girl and put all my energy into getting over this awful disease   I was operated on 2 years ago (Whipples procedure)and after another scan to confirm if the Cancer had been successfully excised/removed I was then put on a 6 month course of chemo       anyway to cut a long story short I was given the all clear last May 2020 which of course is fantastic  amazing and brilliant!!!  A few months after I found I wasn't coping    terrible anxiety   afraid and worried  didnt want to go out etc....   I plucked up the courage to contact my GP who immediately referred me to a mental health team and started me on Citalopram    that was 5 months ago and I feel a lot better mood wise  more interested in things  got a bit of my pep back  but I am still coming to terms with how my body is now   terrible diarrhoea (can be very unpredictable and very uncomfortable)  cramps/twinges  bloated and windy (both ends and incredibly smelly)  pains around the op area which causes me to limp and I still get worn out/fatigued just pushing the vacuum cleaner around that's just few of my troubles now -  I hope you haven't been bored too much  with my endless report lol - I just thought that some idea of what's ahead for you if your  diagnosis is Pancreatic Cancer might be helpful because I was clueless and living on my own I had no one to cry with or shout at     once my front door was closed and on my own everything overwhelmed me and at times still does.  I'll shut up now  and leave you in peace  ttfn...... 

    Kind regards and Best Wishes                                                     CatLyn     

    ps: I would like to hear how your consultation went and what's been planned etc for your treatment(s)    chin up :)  x