Pancreatic cancer and chemotherapy

  • 2 replies
  • 22 subscribers
  • Hi everyone, I have recently been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and I am due to start chemotherapy soon please would anyone be willing to share their experiences as I am now starting to get nervous, thank you in advance.
  • Hello Crackerlakin

    Sorry to hear your news. There cannot be anyone facing chemo who isn't either nervous or apprehensive or scared and probably a mixture of all three. Fear of the unknown

    My fears were quickly dispelled by the brilliant care and good humour of the oncology team at my local hospital. There were a few moments when life was a little uncomfortable but i am sure everyone experiences that. My 12 cycles finished in November last and whilst overall it was tiring the whole process was not unpleasant.

    one thing I would stress is that you communicate fully any problems you have during chemo no matter how insignificant you might feel it is. 

    I hope all goes well but please let me know how you're getting on

    Best Wishes


  • FormerMember

    yes I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 5 months ago. Started highest does of chemo there is for this cancer. after 4 months i had a CT Scan. The 21 tumors in my liver hand been reduced by half, my pancreatic tumor was reduced to half it former size. I am also doing a lot of natural things with the Oncologist permission. Trying to keep a positive outlook. Have the full support of my loving wife.