PC Progress through Chemo

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  • 22 subscribers

Hi group

i thought I would give an update on my husbands PC and how we have been coping with chemo. It helps to read some stories you never know what tips might help others. My husband was diagnosed with Stage 3 inoperable and started chemo in March just before lockdown. We opted for weekly chemo on Gem/Abraxane. Day 3 post chemo he would have an off day but generally ok nothing horrific. The worst he got was a tooth infection and was hospitalised so that he could have 48hrs of antibiotics so that he wouldn’t have to delay chemo. As soon as he got better I got the same tooth infection! In May we completed cycle 2 and he had his first scan which showed a significant reduction in the tumour so now there is hope and there may be a chance to operate as the tumour has shrunk 50%. This positive news was such a turning point and has helped him mentally as well. We started another round of chemo and are half way through with 3 weeks to go before another scan to determine next steps. He has also put on 5 kg. I have been very conscious about snacks, meals and shakes. I expected his appetite to worsen but he looks forward to his cornflakes, eggs and bacon every morning. CREON and daily Fortsip/vital shakes have helped keep nutrients up and ive realised water intake is crucial. I have been giving him Olive Oil leaf tincture every day which I was told helps the body flush the toxins. I would like to think it’s helping him as he hasn’t been sick. Found ginger ale helped with nausea as well. He had a small fever and was petrified the tooth infection was back this time I gave him Oregano Oil and it seemed to do the trick. I remembered reading it helps fight infections. The first three weeks were the hardest as you don’t know what to expect but you manage to get into a rhythm and know what to look out for.  Praying that our next scans show a further reduction or a miracle it disappears. 

  • FormerMember

    That's really great to hear that the tumour has shrunk 50% and it's amazing how that must be helping both of you push forward during such a difficult time. 

    Thanks for sharing the tips about ginger ale etc. My Dad has just finished his first round of chemo for multiple myeloma and unfortunately was hospitalised at the beginning of the week with sepsis. It was a terrifying few days, made worse by not being able to be there with him as it's a covid free hospital and he was in an isolation ward. My poor mum could barely get any info out of the hospital and dad was too out of it to pass on what was happening. Eventually I got his consultant on the phone and found out he was suffering with too much calcium in the blood and something to do with his kidney levels. They still can't find the source of the infection but things are improving now and he seems to be over the worst of it. 

    I will pass on your tips for my Mum as it's good to hear what's helped others going through chemo. Unfortunately she can't get him to eat or drink much and dehydration may have caused the high calcium levels. Just hope the next round won't be quite so scary. 

    Fingers crossed your husband's next scan shows continued improvement. Thinking of you both x