My 50 yr old niece has just been diagnosed with aggressive PC

  • 8 replies
  • 23 subscribers

... It's already spread to her kidneys. They've tried operating already, but when they went in, they found they couldn't remove it because of its position.

She's just become a grandmother for the first time 3 months ago :-(

Any advice from anyone here on what she might expect, or any information / support I can pass on would be most gratefully received. I don't want to reach out to her family without something practical / useful to contribute.

- "We're here for you." 

- "If there's anything I can do..."

Both, I appreciate, are empty, unhelpful statements.


  • Hi Andy. I'm sorry to hear about your nieces diagnosis and operation. In my view it's difficult to offer advice  or helpuntil you know what treatment and care she is offered. Everyone's pancreatic cancer may differ in the way it manifests and the symptoms it causes. Never underestimate the power of a sincere offer of help, to fetch, carry, phone, sit with, feed the dog etc. It frees those on the front lin to concentrate on the really important things. . In time it may become obvious in which ways you can contribute. I hope this helps a little and things go well,

    Pam x

    Love is eternal
  • Hi Andy

    Needing friends’ advice is spot on. PC is very different so once you know what the treatment is we can tell our experiences.

    Just being there will be of immense help to your niece and her family.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Needing friends

    Many thanks for responding, Pam. I'm struggling to get that information at the moment (my niece lives in Mexico). I'll try to find out and hopefully that should help guide my next steps.

    Fingers crossed... 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Squeaky

    Many thanks , Squeaky, that is the key.

    It's the waiting that's hard, and sense of powerlessness... 

  • Hi Andy, I can understand your frustration and need to help. I didn't realise your niece lives in Mexico. Its so difficult at this time with travel so I guess moral support is what you can offer at the moment, until you find out more. I hope that things become clearer and you can be of assistance, a keyboard investigator, communicator and warrior. Hope Skype helps a little with feeling you are in touch. Xx

    Love is eternal
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Needing friends

    Thanks, Needing Friends,

    This is so difficult / frustrating. Earlier this week, she got the results of an operation she had 2 weeks ago.

    It appears she went in, initially with a tumour between her large and small intestine. And only when the surgeons went in to try to remove it (they couldn't because of its location), did they take a small biopsy, run further tests and confirm it had spread to the kidneys and pancreas. On top of that, they said they had no treatment available for her.

    I can't believe 2 weeks on from what appeared a routine investigatory operation, she's been told she now has cancer in three places with no treatment. Just pain relief is being offered... I want to challenge that diagnosis / prognosis, but I feel I'm too far away from the details to be able to ask her husband for the specific details... arrrrrggggghhhhh

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    ... they've now offered an artificial pancreas and kidney to possibly give her a few more months but with a vastly reduced quality of life (she's refused). I'm totally beside myself. Heart is bleeding for my niece. Head is trying to comprehend what her husband, two children and grandchild will do / how they will cope...

    So, back to you guys. Thank you so much for your immediate unconditional support. It looks like in my niece's case, her cancer was both incredibly invasive and aggressive and she has run out of options. To those of you who still have them, please fight. Grab any chance you have. Keep all your options open for as long as you can. Keep that strong attitude in place for yourself and your loved ones. It ain't over till its over.

    Sending you all, my very best wishes... 

  • Hi Andy. It's been a huge shock to you all with  so little time to adjust to your nieces diagnosis and prognosis. Your love and support will be invaluable at this time when you  all find hidden strengths and courage. You are so right, it ain't over til it's over, but I can understand why she refused the artificial pancreas and kidney. Knowing what you do now perhaps means that the family can spend their energy on making her time special, the best it can be.

    One thing I do know is that she has a wonderful uncle who loves her and the family very much.. Xx

    Love is eternal