
  • 5 replies
  • 25 subscribers

I was diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer a month ago and I'm not handling it well and neither is my partner, I'm not getting any treatment and I feel like I've been sent home to die, my partner says he'll kill himself when I'm gone he needs a friend to get him through to this, scared doesn't even come close, our world ended when we got the news, just need to talk to others

  • Hello Devon Cat

    I am sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I can imagine that you and your partner must be distraught. We will all be happy to speak to you here but If you would like to chat with someone I suggest that you phone the Pancreatic Cancer UK helpline. They are very good and they will have lots of information for you. Your partner could speak to them separately too.

    The best bit of advice I can give is just to take one day at a time and try to do something interesting with your partner. 


  • Thank you for your time to write, I will try and encourage him to speak to them, it's just so hard but thank you once again

    Smiley catDevon cat

    when nothing goes right go left.

  • Hi Devoncat

    So sorry to hear of your diagnosis. During my treatment for pc talking to people by whatever means you choose helped me tremendously. We are more resilient than we realise and Squeaky's suggestion of a call to Pancreatic  UK I am sure will be of benefit


  • Thank you, hope you're well

    Smiley catDevon cat

    when nothing goes right go left.

  • Hi Devon Cat, I'm sorry to read of your  diagnosis and of your husbands anguish. Many of us who have joined the many forums here have found a place where you can be yourself and say anything. No one judges and the support here is, I have found, invaluable. Be gentle with yourselves, reach out and don't be afraid to ask for anyhelp you need. Feeling abandoned is frightening, perhaps a phone call to macmillan as suggested by squeaky will  help. Keep posting as often as you need, knowing that others are going through the same  means they understand. Xx

    Love is eternal