Pain after Whipples Procedure

  • 2 replies
  • 22 subscribers

I have been watching this forum since my husband was first diagnosed with both kidney and pancreatic cancer back in May this year (aged 49 years old).   He had his right hand kidney removed and full whipples procedure on the 21st May, followed ten days later by another operation to fix a leaking pancreas.

Unfortunately his pancreas is still leaking and he still has a bag collecting the fluid which is leaking from his operation wound which we have been told will stop in its own time - we were hoping six months down the line this would have happened but unfortunately dont seem to be any closer.

The main problem we have at the moment is serious aching around the wound scar, which means he is unable to sit comfortably, stand for more than a few minutes, sleeping is also incredibly uncomfortable.   He has been prescribed oro-moprh which he takes when it gets really bad but is keen not to rely on this.   He finds a slight relief from a hot water bottle but thats about it.   

We went back as an emergency last week and had blood tests and a CT scan to be advised that there was nothing new, and it was all part of the healing process

Can anyone offer any advice on this pain/ache?   Thanking you all in advance for your advice.

  • Hello ppcambs

    I am sorry to hear that the healing after the Whipple has taken so long and that your husband has pain. My husband had a Whipple and had some pain round the scat but that went away quickly.

    It might be worth having a chat with the nurses at Pancreatic Cancer UK if you have not done so already. They are experts and very friendly and helpful.


  • FormerMember

    I had my whipples May 2018 . I have made a brilliant recovery and now need to go on a diet as I have put on too much weight, but as for the pain, I am relatively pain free, but as a builder if I knock my belly around the staple area it hurts lots and where the drain was if I knock that area, my word Don’t I know it, it brings tears.

    so I guess the healing period is very slow, but it’s worth it