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I have been diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer and are now just about to have my third round of Chemotherapy Up until now I have been OK mentally and coped but after three months are feeling a bit despondent and tired . How can I cope with this and get back to being the positive person that I usually am 

  • Hi! Im stage 3 too, i haven’t started chemo so I don’t know how it feels yet but i just want to reach out and give you support. This forum is wonderful and I’m sure people will come up with great tips. Sending you love and strength Heart

  • Hello Walsham 

    Firstly, well done for reaching 3 sessions of chemo before feeling as you are. Secondly, allow yourself to feel like this!

    Having cancer is s**t and it is ok to say “I’m fed up, I don’t want to be here and life is not fair Rage“ I have been where you are now.

    I had stage 3 ovarian cancer in 2023 and in January of 2024 just after my last chemo, I had no resilience left. I am a very strong woman with a positive outlook on life; I also have the benefit of a Christian faith and know that God is caring for me. Despite all that, I just had nothing to keep me going.  I fortunately told my friends and family that I couldn’t give them anything and needed their support and they were wonderful. Allow yourself to ask for help. That can take the form of help with chores, responsibilities, fun times, whatever. The trouble with women like us who are strong and positive, is that we don’t know when to stop and acknowledge that our resilience bucket is empty. 

    Also think about what lovely things you can do to pretend to be a “normal” healthy person. Exercise ( a significant mood enhancer), have coffee or lunch with someone you care about, plan a holiday or nice excursions. All of these things help. We are not only a person with cancer, we are a person, with many facets of life, one of which is cancer for which we are being treated. 

    I wish you well and hope that this helps. God Bless. Xx

  • Thank you your kind words have helped already 

  • I have had Stage 3 and endured the 6 chemos and a big operation.  It does seem as if treatment is relentless and just wears you down but that debilitating treatment is going to cure you and kill off the cancer.  Believe it and keep buggering on with the treatment.  Keep in touch with friends and family.  For me in a geographically isolated place that meant by phone messaging and phone chats more than visitors, and I did become a bit addicted but it made a huge difference to my mental state.  I am now in remission.  And that is worth anything. 

    Good Luck Walsham.  All will be well! 

    • Hi, I was only diagnosed with stage 3 middle of November and due to have a big operation on 20th January. For me the hardest battle so far has been with my mental health, handling this news over Christmas and new year and knowing that I still haven’t had any treatment. I reached out to MacMillan support line to ask about the free 4 councelling sessions with BUPA. I was assessed and accepted but still to have my first session. But so pleased I am going to get it. My friends and family have been amazing and I have tried to have a goal or an outing each day which has helped enormously. Sometimes I feel like doing absolutely nothing which is a million miles away from the person I am. But I think I have recently turned a corner and accepted that this has happened to me and started to put my thoughts into getting through the opp and recovering before beginning chemo. 
      Talking on here has been a huge help to me. 
      You’ve got this stay strong Muscle x 
  • Hi Andy Lou 

    sorry to hear of your diagnosis this dear se is bloody awful but thankfully treatable .i was diagnosed with cervical cancer grade 2 in mid nov . Like everyone it came as a shock as i thought stupidity it was fibroids etc . I’m 69 and was still working partime . I also have 4 children and grandchildren . I’m also the eldest of my siblings ! . I’ve always been the one to look after everyone etc and I’ve always found it hard to except help etc and just got on with things . But I’ve come to realise let people in let them look after you/ us because we need there help and love and also they want to feel they are doing something and be helpful . I’ve just finished 6 weekly chemo and then am starting chemo radiation in couple weeks . 
    I’ve learnt to just chill out some days have a rest it’s ok to do me time . I’ll also try and do something positive go see a friend or invite them for lunch . Your right mentally is sometimes the hardest but let people in , I learnt that by not saying anything others didn’t understand or could help . Keep positive and remember you’re not alone . Best wishes to you 


  • Thank you Val I have just had my third round of chemotherapy and am feeling OK The hardest thing is keeping positive and believing that it is curing me and that I have loads of time left to enjoy life, I am 75 and am planning on having a big 80 th birthday party. The comments on the forum really help x

  • Your welcome

    there is so much support in here and lots of advise . The best thing especially people being honest and not sugar coating anything and being honest . That’s one of the reason I came in here to read people views and experiences and to get perspective on it . Everyone is so positive and kind and more important is their stories and how they have come through it and got to the end and knowing that will be us 1 day . I’m glad you’re looking forward to a big birthday and celebrate in style . Best wishes Val