total hysterectomy

  • 2 replies
  • 68 subscribers

I have ovarian cancer and had a total hysterectomy in March with a vertical incision. I've healed well but since the op one side of my tummy is flat but the other is still  swollen also feel a hard lump  on right side of scar. could this be scar tissue?

I did query this in hospital but was told the swelling would go down. also get shooting pains where the hard lump is. 

  • Hi  and welcome to the group.

    I had a different surgery, but with a vertical incision. As you only had your surgery in March, I wondered if you’ve had a follow up appointment yet? If not, I think I’d be looking to see your consultant to have a check over. I didn’t have the hard lump you describe or the pains, but it would be worthwhile to get checked over and have your consultant have a feel of your tummy. I have quite a lot of scar tissue inside but it’s not something I can feel or which causes me any issues. It would be good for your own reassurance to get this checked. It may just be part of the healing process.

    Sarah xx

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  • Hi   

    After my hysterectomy I saw a specialist women’s physio who is trained in post-op release massage (and many other things). She did a lot of massage around my vertical scar to break down the scar tissue. It really helped. I also had a bit of a lump and shooting pains where I had a drain fitted. I would still check with the consultant though if you are worried.