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Hi new to this, just had my biopsy last Tuesday then developed a clot in my lung. Waiting to see my consultant again to discuss which chemo to give me. Very scared how I will deal with treatment. Any advice on how to get through this. Thanks in advance 

  • A lot about how you deal with the treatment will depend on what chemo you are put onto. I won't lie and tell you it's a walk in the park, because it most certainly isn't, but try not to preempt until you've spoken to your oncologist. They will provide you with lots of relevant information. Having good support networks is a must, family, friends but also online support. Good luck and ask lots of questions.

  • Hi

    I think we are all really scared about chemo so you’re not alone. For me the reality of it wasn’t as bad as I had in my head. First few days were fine due to the steroids then from the evening of day two or day 3 I would be in bed for usually three days. Anti sickness really helped with nausea, ate a lot of soups and plenty of water. Then I’d be up and ropey but basically you come around. Sometimes I felt really unwell but would sit in the garden in the shade and I think it really helped me feel better. I also decided not to put anything in my mouth that wasn’t highly nutritious. Everyone buys you chocolate and treats but I think your body is getting so battered u really need good food, that’s not to say u can’t have chocolate of course if that’s what u need!!! I had surgery too which I was absolutely terrified about and that didn’t live up to the horror I imagined. Hope things aren’t too rough for you :)

  • I had bilateral pleural effusions that o got blood thinners for

    I had surgery that was harder loved ones than it was for me, I was out of it, they were waiting for the news

    The steroids awake and my knees ache, that the only side effects I get 

    No bed days no sickness I do really well

    Losing my hair, that's the biggest bummer 

    Food I found sweet things OK last time I had chemo, savoury dinners healthy all had a strange taste.

    Haven't had any trouble so far this time

    Good luck with treatment

    Here if you need any support or answers

    Pam xx

  • I have to admit I get every side effect going and they are tending to worsen with each treatment. Leg pain starts a day or two after chemo, this time it was the worst pain and has lasted until day 9 post chemo, aches and pains in my arms this time that I've not experienced before. I have extra meds for nausea ( Aprepitant) aswell as cyclizine as other anti nausea meds didn't work. Fatigue kicks in around day 5/6 then I end up in bed for around 3 days as I struggle to eat/drink and I get so weak and shaky I struggle to stand. Things start to improve slowly around day 9/10 and from then on I start to feel better and better, feeling pretty normal for a good week before the next round. I get some peripheral neuropathy in my fingers but that usually resolves in week before chemo. I also get pretty bad diohrea but take imodium for that.. it affects everyone differently.

  • Yes it does, that's why it best not to try and second guess anything,

    Sorry you suffer so badly

    Thing is we go through all this and then the it bloody comes back

    Strength and positive thoughts are good medicine 

    Keep fighting stay strong

    Pam xx