Possible recurrence

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  • 54 subscribers


Was diagnosed in 2021 with Stage 3b serous borderline ovarian tumor and had TAH BOS omenectomy.

Had yearly follow up CT scan a few weeks ago and now have been told I need a CT scan of chest on Thursday, being discussed at the MDT meeting tomorrow and consultant will see me next week. 

Obviously worried as they must have found something they aren't happy with.

It's going to be a long week or so.

  • FormerMember

    Yes, this kind of waiting is agony. Not sure if better or worse to know the results of the initial scan but, as you say, the fact that a second scan has been ordered is worrying. On the plus side, your team sound well organised and proactive and this is being turned around fast. As torturous as the waiting is, they are keeping it to  minimum which means you will know soon. But yes it will be a very long week. In similar situations, I harness my anxiety  and tackle  jobs I've been putting off. Hope you can find something that works for you.