In newly diagnosed and so scared

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Hi all I was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer a few weeks ago with some suspicion on my omentum and two peritoneal nodes I go to see my consultant tomorrow to discuss it thoroughly and treatment I'm terrified they'll say its just palliative care is anyone else in this situation? 

  • I was in you situation 3yrs ago and the waiting is awful. I wa told that it had spread and  and not looking good. I had surgery with a brilliant surgeon who removed all she could see ,then chemotherapy, all of which was not too bad .I have has recurrence and at the moment on 3 weekly infusions but I feel really well .Just come back from Canaries and going to Carribean next week. My consultant told me to treat it as a chronic disease and deal with each problem as it happens. Don't over think think DONT Google and trust your medical team. Above all stay positive and know it is fine to have down days but don't let your diagnosis define you. Things will get better when you have a management plan and start treatment. 

    Best of luck and sending lots of love and hugs.

  • Thank you so much thats made me feel a lot better

  • Hi P8 MOS, I’m so sorry that you find yourself on this journey. I too have been recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer with spread to  omentum and peritoneal cavity. I understand it’s such a scary time going through tests and waiting for results . I have take reassurance from medical teams and from online support that there is treatment, and from hearing about others experiences, like Waggie who 3 years on is going on holiday’s . I have found sticking to macmillian , Ovacome and target ovarian cancer websites the most useful. It’s so hard not to google, but best avoided, lots of information is out of date and not helpful. I have good days and bad days , and using meditation apps helps my emotional health. I will be thinking about you today, hope your appointment gives you some answers to treatment plan. Xx

  • Thank you so much did your medical team say there was a chance of yours going into remission

  • Yes , there is hope for remission following treatment. I try to see it as a chronic condition that I will have for life , not easy to reach acceptance I know, I find at the moment trying to stay in the present helps. There will be a treatment plan for you I’m sure, I’ve read so many stories about women with advanced ovarian cancer who have remission and further treatment in times when they experience recurrence. Good luck today, keep in touch xx

  • Good morning 

    I can relate to your situation completely. I was in that position just before Christmas, stage 4 and my scan showed spreading to my lung, lymph nodes and abdomen. It's terrifying and sends you into a panic. I agree with all the suggestions others have made. Googling is futile & just adds to your anxiety plus lots is out of date. I find Ovacome fantastic and they have a support line too as is Macmillan. 

    How did your apt.go? I'm sure they will offer you a treatment plan. In my case, its 3 chemo sessions, then surgery, then 3 more chemos. My surgery is next week 7th March Pray

    Once you have got your head around it all, your focus will turn to managing the effects of chemo. Its not an easy journey and you will find loads of advice on managing this on here and ovacome forums. Its a journey and you will have ups and downs for sure but be kind to yourself. Go with it, connect with others as much as possible, and accept what is happening and be determined to fight it. You will find strength you didn't know possible. A positive mindset will help you for sure.

    I couldn't have got so far myself without the help and support of my family. Take help that's offered. 

    I'm always happy to chat, so don't struggle on alone. All the very best xx

  • Thank you so much xxx

  • Hi P8 MOS , just to add hope you got on ok with your appointment and have some answers about next steps? Thinking about you. Also want to say hi to Kazwas and good luck with surgery next week, will be thinking about you xx

  • Ahh thank you. I found out yesterday that they are concerned about my bowel, right lung as well as left and peritoneal area. My consultant says they had hoped for better results so far Smirk but look, lets get the op done & see what they find. I hope they can get it all out Prayxx

  • You are doing so well Kazwaz , it’s such a tough journey, positive that you are having surgery and yes hopefully get it all out. I start 1 cycle of chemotherapy on Tuesday, had my hair cut short this morning in preparation for hair loss . Should have had my hair short years ago ! Hopefully after 3 cycles I will be able to have surgery too remove what they can. I know it will take some time to recover from your operation, will be thinking about you and will look out for your news , take good care of yourself xx