No treatment option

  • 1 reply
  • 55 subscribers

Hello I’m new here and after reading a lot of the threads I thought I would reach out. 

My gorgeous Nanny has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and has ca125 markers which are approx 250 and a tumour which is approx 20cm and confirmed spread to other areas in the pelvis. 

Nanny is not a well enough to undergo surgery or treatment, and with her also having worsening Alzheimer’s, hospital is not an option for her as she finds it extremely disorientating and it would be against her wishes.
My mum is off working being her full time carer so she can stay in her own home which she has always said she wanted. 

I guess we’re in shock, she’s always been so fit and well and independent and watching her slowly deteriorate is breaking our hearts.

Has anyone else on this forum experienced someone choose a no treatment option and can share any bits of advice we would be so so grateful.

  • Hi have ovarian recurrence myself, I'm not in your position but I have spent long periods of time in hospital, there was a couple of older ladies that didn't have surgery Dr's didn't think it was safe and they didn't want that kind of stress at their age. I was in with a lady and we became quite good friends she actually went down for surgery but when then open her up they couldn't perform the surgery some complication I'm not sure what, so maybe just go with what the Dr say and what your nanny wants, it's very hard dealing with cancer whatever position you are in, we all suffer one way or the other.

    Take care and try to be strong 
