Hip pain 4 years NED annual abdominal Ct scan

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  • 53 subscribers

Am experiencing hip pain

Really bad at times particularly after exercise (walking) 

have been having 6 monthly CA125 all of which have been very low 

annual CT scans have been clear (abdominal scan) 

I had pain in my hip/groin area before I was originally diagnosed with ovarian cancer 2017 

It was better for a time but is getting worse now 

I do suffer with arthritis but I worry about the location of the pain as it is on the left and that is the location of my original tumour 

Anyone else suffered with this? 
many thanks 


  • I have hip pain and pain in my ankles.  I’m currently NED and on Avastin maintenance…. I worry it’s cancer but it seems to get better after a little exercise… on my right side it’s v bad but I battle through… as long as my CA125 is low I’m not saying anything.  I also wonder if it’s bone related due to surgical menopause.  I’m like an old lady when I stand up!  

  • Hi DerbyGirl and Kay, may I ask when you were both originally diagnosed with ovarian cancer was your CA125 level elevated at the time?  I ask this as the words my consultant used to describe my ovarian cancer was 'know CA125 secretor' meaning that should my ovarian cancer return it is likely my CA125 would be elevated again.  

  • Hi, 4b diagnosed in April 21.  I had high CA125 - 700 ish   Pre op it was down to 69. Post op really high again but came down through 3 rounds of chemo to it’s current of 24.  Bloods next week so fingers crossed it stays down. It’s a definite tell for me.  

  • Hi DerbyGirl, sounds like yours is a 'known CA125 secretor' too which I view as a good thing as it does highlight something's not quite right if your CA125 level rises and like you say I too hope, fingers crossed, it stays down for you.  

  • Hi Sarah 

    I was diagnosed May 2017 High grade serous carcinoma in the Fallopian tube CA125 was low (35) 

    It is currently 7 x