Young and diagnosed with an MPN

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I was recently diagnosed with secondary MF (Myelofibrosis) after a bone marrow biopsy. 

It was thought I had ET at first due to my platelet levels, but turns out its MF. 

My diagnosis was a long, hard and painful process. At the age of 13 i started to have really migraines and periods and the doctors sent me for a blood test. The test showed my platelets were high and the doctors just shoved me on the pill and that was the end of it. 

For the next 10 YEARS! I was passed from doctor regarding my platelets and wondering why nothing was nothing was changing. It too kfor me to be rushed into to hospital with suspected cardiac arrest for them to place with Haemotology and get my diagnosis.

I am 24 and have never felt so lost and confused. My mum cries whenever I bring it up, my husband ignores it and my in laws think I am lying and attention seeking. Even after seeing my letters!