Update on first Haematology appointment

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Saw the Haematologist Consultant for the first time this morning and after talking about my “mass” in the apex of the left lung, seven centimetres, MALT Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and the taking of additional bloods etc, I am now waiting for the discussion with the their MDT on a Tuesday which will be in the  start of the new year. Low Grade and Slow Growing so no hurry but have various symptoms so they will be talking about differing treatments. 

My question is : do I have a choice of which treatment I can have? Radio-therapy is initially a drive of over six hours round trip which to be honest is quite daunting. Chemotherapy or immunotherapy is at the hospital itself only an hour’s drive from home. The current inference that I took away from this morning’s meeting is that each has its merits and each could work equally well. 

If you had the choice given to you at the start, may I ask what did you opt for? 

  • Hi again  and good to hear about your appointment.

    The current inference that I took away from this morning’s meeting is that each has its merits and each could work equally well. 

    My journey was rather different but yes each treatment has it's merit....... but I was not given any options as the MDT set out a detailed plan to move forward as I had to have Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy and Stem Cell Transplant.

    There are 'lifetime limits' as to how much of each treatment you can have so your consultant should be able to guide you as to what they see as the best first step..... this being based on their knowledge of what happens if more treatment is needed..... and with Low Grade NHLs this often happens.... and they know 'your' presentation best.

    I totally appreciate the distance thing.... I live in Inverness and my Stem Cell Transplant Unit is in Glasgow so it's a 7 hr round trip drive..... but during my treatment we stayed in Glasgow....... but over a 2 year period we did do the trip over 30 times.

    From my experience with having a total of 45 radiotherapy zaps and over 750hrs of chemo (won't take Stem Cell Transplant into the mix) radiotherapy was much less problematic with little of no side effects........ chemo tends to come with some unwanted side effects.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

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