Re Question

  • 9 replies
  • 17 subscribers

I am seeing the Haematologist on Friday morning for the first time after being referred from Cardiology to Respiratory and after receiving the analysis of the biopsy.

MALT Non Hodgkin Lymphoma. Slow growing, low grade. 

My question is “why do I have this persistent cough, if it’s to do with the lymph system?

I know there is a mass at the top of my left lung.

  • Hi again, you will make sure you ask this question to the haematologist along with all your other questions.

    If you think about it if you get a little splinter of wood in your finger it hurts…….. so think what as mass at the top of your lung will be doing to your respiratory system so a cough is not surprising.

    The Lymphatic System connects with most areas of the body but when the lymphoma cells decide to gather together and have a party a mass like yours will appear…… my main mass was in my neck and basically it was gradually strangling me.

    I also have asbestos at the bottom of my lungs that is stable but I have a regular cough as it just annoys my respiratory system.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Remember this link helps you put your questions together Questions to ask your medical team about Lymphoma..... put them down in a notebook and ensure you ask the questions and take a note of the answers......

    Also important to have a second pair of ears at appointments as Hematology terms come thick and fast.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hello. I have low grade B cell Marginal Zone (MALT) and mine is a mass in my right lung. Like you I was investigated for lung cancer. But following PET-CT scan, broncoscopy, which included  an ‘ lavage’ of my lymph glands , and biopsy it was confirmed NHL. I actually have had no symptoms but had 2 low dose radiotherapy’s to reduce the mass. This was my choice. I could have had 12. I was diagnosed in November 2021, RT end January 2022. X-ray this July confirmed no progress in size. Good luck with the way forward. And mine is confined to my lung. 

  • Thank you. Seeing the Consultant Haematologist for the first time tomorrow morning just in time for Xmas…..

  • Good re appointment. If it’s confined to the lung, as mine is, you might well be offered radiotherapy. Keep us posted. 

  • Lymphoma cells can grow outside the lymph nodes and can congregate just about anywhere. If chemo is needed the cells just melt away wherever they are. If only in one place, as the others say, it can be zapped with radiotherapy.

  • Thank you See what tomorrow brings