Stomach net caught by fluke

  • 3 replies
  • 15 subscribers

I have just been diagnosed with neuroendocrine stomach cancer last week and received  i fo through the post which says that there are normally more than one tumour at the same time, is this correct and if so would it be localised to the same organ? Found purely by chance after saying difficulty swallowing to gp. Iv spent last 2 years with mum going through it in her right eye having to be removed in london getting clear and its recently spread to liver. Im so preoccupied with her im neglecting myself and telling family its nothing serious only now im stuck what to do as if there are more is it pointless getting treatment for one as they cant see them on scans as they didnt show any including the one they biopsied. Thanks all

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  • I’m so sorry you’ve received this diagnosis, particularly while caring for your mum. Because NETs are slow growing, by the time you have symptoms the can indeed have spread to other organs. However this is absolutely not a given, really depends on the stage and grade your primary NET is at. I sounds irresponsible for them to just tell you this news in a letter though - did they have a follow up plan for you to investigate other possible tumour locations? My husband was given an MRI and CT to find is primary and through that they found secondaries. However this was over two years ago, and while he struggles with symptoms of carcinoid syndrome, the actual tumours have held steady which is amazing. So hope you can take some hope in that as I’m sure you’re head is all over the place with your diagnosis! 

  • Hi thank you for the reply yes the timing is not good at all with having so many things going on at the same time i dont have the time to think about it. They have not put anything in place to see of there are more tumours anywhere else and have not told me anything else only that i have it. I only got referred to 2ww as i happen to mention to gp that i was having trouble swallowing food, although gp appointment was for something totally unrelated and that i have been on ppi meds for over 10 tears and recently found out that i should not be on them for that long but i also have eoe which does not help and my oesophagus jas narrowed and thinned out a fair amount which can have interesting complications having endo.