Possible Myeloma, any advice?

  • 11 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hi, I've recently been told I may be suffering from cutaneous t cell lymphoma. Just last week as part of trying to obtain a full diagnosis I was asked to undergo a CT scan. I was subsequently  called into the hospital 5 days later to be told it has shown a thinning of my bones, and has also shown a fluid/substance around my spine,  neck, pelvic area and thorax.  Myeloma has been mentioned and ive to go for blood screen and bone scan next week. 

Apart from a sore back I've had no symptoms and this has been discovered by chance.  Now I have two cancer scares and I honestly don't know whether I'm coming or going at the moment. Does anyone have any advice they can give?, shared a similar experience 

Thanks in advance for any comments or assistance 

  • Hi Chicken 2

    your reply is really reassuring.   My hubby is extremely tired at the moment and I have read what you confirmed that the maintenance treatment can make you more so.   Remission for nearly 12 months Brilliant and the fact that you can go on holiday and the music festival great news.   Sadly because of the fractures in my husbands back he is unable to walk very far but hey he has a new set of wheels,  a lightweight scooter I can throw in the car.   Not put the ‘go faster flames’ on yet!! Like you say like you it is all new to us and you have to go with it and yes our lives have been turned upside down.  But we will deal with this as best we can .  It is hard trying to be positive all the time but I am the eternal optimist and will never give up .  We have adapted and like you it is now ‘the norm’   It is so good to hear other people’s stories and you don’t feel so alone.  Sending my best wishes for your continued progress and at your next music festival have a beer for me xx