Feel numb - it’s all happened so quickly

  • 3 replies
  • 49 subscribers

One day I’m getting out of bed for work 15 days later I’m starting intensive Chemo which will be followed up by stem cell transplant. 
I have so much support but feel very alone. 
I don’t feel happy or sad and will ensure I stay positive. 
I have two parts of my spine affected that cause discomfort - do I have radiotherapy amongst my cocktail of drugs or wait to see how I respond to chemo? 
Any advice would be appreciated. 

  • Hi Sheldan71,

    I am glad that you have support. You are not alone! This forum is proof that many of us are going through this. It is tough, but we are together, providing practical information and moral support.


  • Hi Sheldan, 

    Finding out kind of hits you like a truck. I can relate with feeling alone, it's like a surreal experience and very hard for those around us to fully understand, even with their good intentions.  Life changes very quickly.  As for your question, that all depends on your team. I can only speak of my own experience of broken vertebrae and fractured shoulders. They won't do anything for them until they get the myeloma under control.  It could be because I am on a trial, or it could be due to my myeloma being advanced.  Your best bet is to ask them, that is what I did. Right now my pain is being dampened down a bit with painkillers.  I'll have an SCT soon and if I go into a good remission then I guess they will look on fixing some of the damage.  You say you have a lot of support which is fantastic, but you'll have a different kind of support here, shared experiences from people who are going through the same cancer, even if it affects us all differently. I see it as a safe space, a place I can be scared or strong, and can vent or support others.  Hope you get what you need from here :)

  • Thank you for your reply. 
    I’m 52, parent to two daughters and now 4 precious grandsons. So much to live for. 
    I will be asking at my next appointment as they don’t give much info out. I’m lucky my hospital is 7 minutes away and it’s one of the best in the UK. 
    I actually slept last night fairly well probably the thalidomide but I am grateful to just wake up these days, it was a worry with all the tablets I have to take along with the chemo weekly. 
    keep strong beautiful lady and you will get there. 
    best wishes