Going back to work

  • 12 replies
  • 40 subscribers

 I am 9 months on from my SCT and feeling good. I've had some of my childhood vaccinations and I've recently joined a gym and plan on swimming once a week to build up my strength. I am very anxious about going back to work. I have a meeting with occupational health soon. I am a primary school teacher and concerned about my ability to cope as I still get fatigued very easily and I don't want to pick up infections from children. Teaching is very demanding and I wonder if I'll ever be ready to go back. I feel like a fraud because I look healthy and in remission but still get fatigued if I go for a long walk or have a busy day.. I often think about doing something else now instead. Can anyone relate and offer advise? I have also started on my maintenance chemo of lenalidomide and coping with skin rashes.

  • Hello, Jacquie, Sunshine1, Cej, Jamilaz, and All

    Thank you for your various responses.

    I am starting to think about my return to work/teaching, and will certainly be asking about adjustments such as minimal pupil-facing. Like Cej, I love my job, and my students. I might ask about very small classes/groups with specific teaching foci.

    I'm post 100 days, now, and will be resuming chemo in some form in the next three weeks, depending on results of my recent biopsy, and starting my vaccination schedule later this month.

    Cancer has changed my view/outlook on life.  I am trying to focus on the things that matter most to me: family, friends, food. 

    I wish us all a wonderful Spring - the daffodils are out, there are blue skies - on occasion, the birds' chorus is heard throughout the day. What's not to love.

    Slight smile

  • Thanks for all the replies. It's good to know that others are in similar situations and going through similar thoughts in their heads.  I have decided not to go back to teaching and I had my first meeting with occupational health today.  My Dr has signed me off work for another 6 months so I have plenty of time to enjoy the coming spring and summer without worrying too much about work.