This is not my first time here but I guess I just wanted to get my thoughts down. Also, I have found it difficult to find any posts similar to my situation.
In around November 2023, after a new tattoo I noticed a mole on my back. I kind of forgot about it and in December 2024 I started feeling a 'crawling'type feeling on my back on the same side as the mole. I got my son to touch the mole and that is exactly where the crawly feeling was. It also tingles and I've noticed that sometimes after eating I feel a tingling sensation, almost like I'm feeding something.
I went to the GP who said that the mole has different colours in it so is referring me. I have an appointment on Wednesday but this is just for the photograph thing (sorry for the non-technical wording!).
The concern for me is when I looked through old photographs, it definitely ws not there in 2019, but it definitely was there in 2021, although it was a little smaller. However, pictures are not necessarily the best as the only one I could find was from a distance so I had to enlarge the image to see it.
I guess my biggest fear now is that if it is melanoma as suspected, how advanced would it be if I've left it for that many years. I am black, but fair skinned so I know it’s not necessarily as common in my ethnicity. I do have freckles on my face and I also now have a lot of very small freckles on my back and I'm guessing this larger one (around 5mm) may have started as a freckle looking mole. As it is on my back I cannot really see it so well, even with a handheld mirror so am relying on other people or photographs to see it.
I am absolutely terrified that I have allowed this thing to evolve and even though I only first noticed it in 2023, it has been growing over a number of years. I also know that the size on the skin is not indicative of what is happening underneath the skin.
The mole is flat and light and dry dark brown in places.
I guess I'm asking if anyone else has been through a similar situation and if so what was the outcome for you?
update: 5/2/25 - I had my tele-dermatology appointment today. The lady who took the photos was unable to tell me anything as she said she’s not a doctor. She said I should hear back within 2 weeks but I got an email this evening saying I need to go in for an urgent face to face to make a full diagnosis. On the diagnosis section it says ‘not specified’. I am now supper freaked out as I wasn’t expecting to hear anything on the same day. Also as this mole has been on my back since at least 2021, that’s a long time which has me thinking it may have spread and I’m on my way out. I also have a lingering head that just won’t go away but I’m not sure whether the stress and anxiety is the cause or whether it’s a sign that it is in my brain
I don’t really have anyone to speak to about this and I can’t tell my children right now either.
So sorry! Thanks for reading.
NiaM I read your post and I recognise where you're at. I , like you, discovered a mole on my back in April 2023. I had no idea how long it had been there but after squeezing and it reacting differently to a normal "plook" I realised I needed a doctor to look at it. My GP referred me to a dermatologist who took a biopsy and the sample was diagnosed as malignant and I as stage 2 melanoma. I was sent for surgery to check the Lymph nodes in my armpit and during that surgery the surgeon identified cancer in my chest. After a scan I went for more surgery to remove more from my chest. By this time I was now told I had stage 4 cancer and I started an immunotherapy course which involved going into the hospital once every 3 or 4 weeks , can't remember which. Unfortunately the immunotherapy went badly because the drugs attacked my Thyroid or pituitary gland and rendered my Adrenal glands useless. At this stage , Dec 23 I was hospitalised for a few days and finally floated out of the ICU on a cloud of Steroids. After coming round from that I was put on a course of targeted therapy which I understand is basically oral chemo therapy where I take 9 pills in the morning and a further 3 in the evening. I give blood samples every month and am scanned every 3 months and then discuss the results with my oncologist. Over the course of this saga my oncologist identified material in my lungs and also possibly in my brain. After my last scan the oncologist could not see any material in my brain and no increase in my lungs. The cancer has stopped spreading ...for the time being. Throughout all of this the initial freak out of dealing with fact I have cancer has resolved to a simple acceptance. There's nothing nice about the surgery or the drugs except the knowledge that they're keeping me alive, it's an uncomfortable process but when I consider what other people and particularly young kids go through with cancer or other diseases I consider myself lucky. For me I did not tell my family until after the immunotherapy failed and I was hospitalised , I believe that was a huge mistake . I cannot overstate the beneficial effect of having their love and support....I'd say that has changed my life. Also I get huge comfort from the macmillan nurses who take my blood samples once a month or answer any questions I have by telephone, I don't think twice about calling them. Trust me , tell your family and get their love and I hope your test results come back OK and clear . But if not there's still a way to go and everything to hope for
Hi Elbibi,
Thank you for sharing your experience, it means a lot. I am so sorry you have been through such a terrible time and I really do pray that things continue to improve for you. The whole experience sounds terrifying and lonely.
I also have no idea how long the mole has been on my back, but because it was flat when I discovered it, I wasn’t sure that it was anything to worry about and as I have never used sunbeds or sunbathed excessively, it didn’t occur to me that I could be a skin cancer candidate. Naive, but that’s the truth. Looking through thousands of photos it definitely was not there at all
in 2019 but it is there in a picture from 2021. So at least 4 years
it wasn’t until I started feeling sensations on my back that felt ‘crawly’ that I thought I might need to get it checked. It had also grown so is now around 5mm in diameter but still relatively flat.
I’m 45, my children are 19 and 16. One of them just started uni September gone. I don’t know if it’s fair to worry them even if it is as bad as I am thinking it’s going to be but I hear you and I will speak to my close friends for support during these times although so far the ones I’ve mentioned it to or asked to look at it have kinda brushed me off and said it’s fine. It clearly isn’t hence the face to face.
it sounds like you have been on a rollercoaster. How are you actually managing now?
I had stage 4 metastic melonma which spread to several places had immune thereapy now three years clear hun x
That is wonderful news. Do you still have regular scans and checks?
was yours similar to mine as well. I’m so worried x
Yes you have scans up to five years after hun iv got another next month
I had s massive tumour on my arm which had to be cut out x
That sounds terrible. I’m so glad you had it removed and I hope all is well at your next appointment. Please keep me posted and thank you for sharing.
Hi Niam I’m so sorry your going through this with no one to talk to.my husband had melanoma on his arm back in 2004 he had surgery but needed no other treatment. In September 2024 he went down with a hacking cough that just wouldn’t go away ,he wouldn’t go to the doctors as a lot of people had this 100 day cough.in November I finally got him to see a doctor .on 18th December he was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma which is not curable but he is starting immunotherapy treatment on Monday .doctors reckon this cancer in the lining surrounding his lung has stemmed from the previous melanoma on his arm .i understand how scared you are,we have had 2 months of waiting tests and shock results but there are so many different treatments now and we are putting our trust in the hands of the amazing melanoma team .as for your headache I too had headaches for days that wouldn’t shift but once I calmed myself down a bit and decided to be positive they stopped.i pray your appointment will go well.always here to talk to xx
Hi Janabells,
thank you for taking the time out to share your experience with me - I genuinely appreciate it.
I am so sorry to hear about your husbands recent diagnosis and my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
I really do hope the immunotherapy works well and keeps the cancer at bay for many many MANY years to come. I have read a lot of posts (probably too many!) and it looks as though immunotherapy has worked amazingly for a lot of people. I hope it’s the same for your husband too.
Please do let me know how he is getting on, and you as well, as this affects you both.
the headaches are definitely a concern but I really don’t know whether it’s a real symptom or stress and I can’t remember whether my head has always so tension like or not. I’m literally reading into everything and spiralling
I will post updates as I go along in the hope that it may be helpful to someone else in the same position.
thank you for your kind words and prayers.
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