Melanoma and lung cancer

  • 5 replies
  • 73 subscribers

I have been offered immunotherapy which I am to start shortly. I consider myself to be fortunate to be given a chance to fight this horrible illness. Are there any tips to help me going forward?  It’s good to have support like this. Nando 

  • Hi Nando,

    I’m sorry for your diagnosis but really glad that you are going to start immunotherapy soon. My mum diagnosed with vulva melanoma about 3 years ago and did the surgery straight after. Just 7 months ago she was diagnosed with metastatic lung cancer on both sides. Started immunotherapy straight away. Her last week scan was very promising showing reduction in tumours sizes plus no new nodules. She is 67 and has tried to eat healthier and stay active whenever she can. She hasn’t had severe side effects.

    I know it’s going to be a tough time ahead of you but I really hope this information helps. Good luck with the treatment. 

  • Thank you. That’s good to know!

  • Hi Nando - welcome to the forum.

    I'm Stage 4, however I've completed my two-year immunotherapy course, and I'm now in remission, or No Evidence of Disease (NED).

    When first diagnosed, I had the usual concerns, however I think the most important thing is to be positive in the knowledge that this disease is beatable.

    I looked to get my diet up to scratch (I've always been vegetarian) by reducing dairy and sugar, and focusing on fresh, wholesome food wherever possible. (Don't forget a treat here and there is 100% necessary sometimes!).

    I also stepped up my fitness, by enrolling on a long-term charity challenge - this forced me to get out & about in all weathers!

    I'd advise you to research the disease to ensure you have a full understanding of what's going on - Macmillan and Melanoma Focus are excellent sources of information.

    Hopefully the above helps.

    Immunotherapy can sometimes be challenging, however in my case, it was relatively "easy". I have one long-term side-effect, however that's resolved with a couple of tablets a day.

    Keep positive, and use your specialist nurse to interface with the clinical team.

    All the best.

  • Hi all

    I had a melanoma tumour on my thigh which spread to my lungs. I hadn't got a clue what to expect when I was told I'd be given immunotherapy. It has been amazing in terms of the cancer so fingers crossed for you Nando.

    I was unlucky in terms of the side effects but am well enough to continue with the 'maintenance' treatment which is great and with steroid treatment they didn't last too long except for a bit of joint inflammation which I'm managing at the moment.

    I bet I'm not as disciplined as Emo but I've tried and read enough to know that a 'good' diet can e really helpful.

    All the very best.

  • That’s very helpful thank you. I will take your advice. Nando