Starting Nivolumab

  • 2 replies
  • 74 subscribers

Hi, I am about to start immunotherapy treatment with Nivolumab in 2 days time for recurrent melanomas, which have been removed. Luckily scans clear at present. Whilst I have been given the fullest of information, I am feeling very anxious about possible side effects especially at it seems they can occur at any time. I appreciate everyone is different but just wondering what people's experience has been following the first infusion. Also if anyone has experienced the more serious side effects and how quickly these were recognised.

  • Hi, and first of all, welcome to the Group. 

    My treatment commenced with combined Ipi/Nivo, followed by approx. two years of Nivo on its own.

    All I can advise is, that on a day to day basis, my only side effect was a bit of fatigue, however not to the extent that I had to go to bed - just the odd "snooze" now and again (I was 62 when I started treatment).

    The only significant side effect was that my immune system, (kicked into overdrive by the meds), decided to attack and destroy my adrenal glands (this was picked up on my regular blood tests which were taken a couple of days before each treatment). This is a serious matter, but is easily controlled with two low-dose steroid tablets per day.

    As you will be aware, everyone reacts differently to the meds, but please be assured that the potential side effects aren't guaranteed (just look at what can happen with a paracetamol tablet).

    I hope that helps....

    All the best for the future, and I hope you're treatment in a couple of days time goes well. Good luck!

  • Hi, I’ve had 7 treatments of Nivolumab and so far the only side effect I’ve noticed is a little bit of fatigue.
    Hope your treatment goes well xx