Hi everyone !

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After the removal of a long standing mole on my right forearm I have been diagnosed with a stage 1b melanoma  0.9mm depth no ulceration but there was mitotic activity. I've been offered a WLE and SLNB and am on the waiting list for this. The consultant says the operation's waiting list is 4 to 6 weeks NHS. I am scared S**tless  and worried that with the state of the NHS and possible doctors strikes the procedure may not happen in the time frame suggested. Has anybody any advice regarding the cost of having this done privately (I don't have insurance) or, better still, tell me I'm worrying too much and that the NHS is on this and 4 to 6 weeks is about right. AstonishedPray

  • I do not know about getting it done privately but mine got me in quickly after seeing the plastic surgeon got surgery date of two weeks time. It had been a three month wait before that when they were doing other tests before they decided what they were doing but once they decided on the wide excision and lymph node removal it was quick. 

  • Your diagnosis is very similar to mine except mine was 1.0mm. I had no ulceration or lymphovascular invasion and a mitotic rate of 1/mm. Do you know if you had clear margins when they removed it? Mine did and I was reassured that it’s unlikely there will be anything left over, I was also concerned at the waiting time for my WLE. I had mine removed in January and my WLE was in May. Unfortunately I couldn’t have the SLNB so I was offered ultrasounds as an alternative which came back normal but I still worry! I totally understand how you’re feeling right now! 

  • Hi  

    I had a wait of about 10 weeks between being told I had melanoma and having a WLE and SLNB. This was 7 years ago. I didn't investigate how much it would cost privately so can't help there. However, if you ring up your local private hospitals they'll be able to tell you how much it might cost and what the waiting list for having it done privately is.

    Do pop back and let us know what you decide to do.


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  • Hi - in our area the NHS hospital does private work. Same doctors but different timescales for some things. Other things same timescale possibly. It is all quite confusing nowadays, I feel.

    I was shocked at how for things that aren't 2WW cancer or similar urgency how there could be such huge timescale variability. Our NHS hospital does private dermatology so am adding this comment in case you want to phone them too. (They even advertise this on the NHS site!!) But it feels all wrong.

    For some other things like ENT, gynae then unless you are on a rapid or urgent referral the waits can be so long GP advice when I queried was to go private if could afford it. GP said it would be same doctors but much quicker. 


  • Have you tried calling the surgeons secretary?  I did it fairly often and got a cancellation.  

  • Thanks Sou85a  I hope mine comes along soon Pray

  • Thanks everyone you've all given good advice and it's duly noted. I'm going to give it 2 weeks from diagnosis when I'm scheduled to have a call from a Skin Cancer CNS person. I'm hopeful that, as the initial referral and removal op came through within 3 weeks, it might not be too long a wait. Thanks again one and all.

  • WOW guys. I just got notification my surgery is booked for 27th June with the NHS. That's exactly 1 month from diagnosis. Just praying now that there aren't any Doctors strikes or computer hacks that delay it. Pray