New here, joining because I know somebody here will relate

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Hi all, I'm 26 and female. I've got quite a few moles and I've always been reasonably careful with remembering to use sunlotion. When I was a young teen I was obsessed with being out in the sun and "working on my tan" its only been the last several years I've realised it's not the smartest idea when multiple family members have had cancer scares. 

My dad unfortunately passed away when I was 13, his first scare was lung cancer when I was 10 and unfortunately after years of alchosim and other forms of self neglect, he just wasn't able to make it. 

I've recently had a baby, he's 8 months old. I think I'm angry with myself slightly because I have actually had a mole I've been concerned about for some time, I have a fear of the doctors, I've been invalided a million times so slowly just stopped going. There's things I need help with too, but I just can't stomach it.

The reason I'm coming here today is because yesterday I noticed I had an itchy neck. It was only until late in the evening I realised I had what seemed like a cut or scratch. When I put my baby to bed I went to inspect the area and there was no scratch, but an old, faint mole, which I never had a problem with before, had turned into a itchy blood spot type scab, ive taken a photo to see better and it's sort of like a sun eclipse, the red spot like thing appeard just to the corner side of the mole, (it is hard to explain so i hope that makes enough sense.) There's no scratch marks to make me thing my baby may have caught me, I do believe it's the mole that's done it on it's own.

The 1st mole I sensed an issue with is hard to see now. At first, just a tiny little mole in the crease of my nose and cheek. Over the last year and a half, maybe 2 years, it still has a tiny hair sticking out of the last corner of the brown visible mole, but otherwise it looks like a skin coloured lump which is not a spot or blackhead (which it looks like if you didn't know there used to be a mole)

I also have one other mole which I always thought was itchy because its near my bra strap, but what's weird is that it's not always itchy, I have barely noticed it the last few months but I couldn't stop itching it late last year. 

I don't know how to talk to the doctors without getting myelf into a bit of a mess. Please may somebody suggest how to approach the doctor with this, without being ignored and told there's nothing wrong without even being offered tests. I understand I'm quite young but I shouldn't be ignored on this. They've ignored my headaches and achy body for years, I'm just a bit worried they'll ignore me again Pensive 

  • Please don't delay, see the GP to send you ultrasound or mole photography.We can only support you but diagnose, please don't delay xx

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I'm sorry to read that you're worried about approaching your GP about the mole you're concerned about because you feel you've been ignored in the past. Do you have more than one GP at your surgery? If so, maybe you'd feel more comfortable seeing a different doctor.

    You say that you want to know how to approach the GP without being "told there's nothing wrong without even being offered tests". Your GP has to follow the NICE guidelines for referral to dermatology if they think your mole needs investigating.

    If the mole exhibits signs of being a potential melanoma then your GP will refer you on to a dermatologist who will assess it further. If they in turn think there is a possibility that the mole could be a melanoma then a biopsy will be arranged, This is when the mole is completely removed and sent off to the pathology laboratories for testing. You would normally have the mole removed within about 4 weeks of seeing the dermatologist and get your results back between 4 and 8 weeks later. This link gives you more information,

    Do come back and let us know how you get on when you see the GP.

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