Waiting and being a case not a person seems to be the new me

  • 2 replies
  • 64 subscribers
  • So got referred because I found a lump in mmy groin inJanuary, been lots of different opinions but biopsy showed melanoma...probably related to a primary under my toenail of all places...no diagnosis until 10 days ago..lump is still growing....get my first app yes first with dermatology tomorrow..had ct scans and have brain mri this week ..head up my backside..no idea on treatment 
  • apid diagnostic clinic not so rapid, 
  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I'm sorry to read that you've recently been diagnosed with melanoma and I remember how I felt all over the place when told.

    How did your appointment with dermatology go? Hopefully the consultant was able to answer all your questions. Do you have a treatment plan yet or do you have to wait for the scan results?


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  • Thanks Anne I have had scans, biopsy , first derm appointment yesterday, tomorrow is day 56 since referral and no treatment  plan , time seems slow , thank you reaching out , how are you progressing?