Melanoma diagnosis

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  • 74 subscribers

Only got married 9 months ago, so happy.  Went to see husbands dermatologist, had sun spots, had them frozen out, one of the benefits of having red hair and freckles!  Anyway, I digress, she took a biopsy because she found a spot that she wasnt happy with on the back of my arm.  It was black and I thought was the site of my 3 Covid injections, actually remember on the last one they sent for a doctor to look at something there as it didnt look right to them, doctor told them not to worry and go ahead with the next injection.  Anyway, went in this morning, to have the stitches taken out, knew that something was wrong when she said to me for my husband to come in to the dermatologists with me, I knew then that it wasnt good news!  She said that I have stage 1b melanoma, need a sentinel lymph node biopsy and an excision of the area around the wound.  I am so shocked, was going out with friends tonight, but cannot, husband is trying to be really good, but I am so full of doubt.  Have been googling this on line and experts vary on whether this sentinel lymph node biopsy is good or not.  I am so scared, can somebody help me, please.

  • Hi Jennie

    I’m sorry to hear of your diagnosis. Deep breaths. I was diagnosed with a stage 1A melanoma on my upper left arm in Sept after it was removed in august. I’ve just had my wide local excision a week ago. I’m not sure what else they told you. I was told the cancer cells were removed with the initial excision and the wle was just precautionary but I’m going to ask my skin cancer nurse for the results either way as I want to know they are definitely clear.

    I wasn’t offered a SLNB as mine was 0.2mm and described as very thin. If you have any questions about the wle I’m happy to advise as it sounds like our moles were in a similar place.

    Whilst it’s a scary time you’ll probably find things move quite fast now which gave me confidence.   

  • Hi Jennie25

    Sorry to hear your news - I know it's a terrible shock when you first hear the words "you've got melanoma", however I would just point out that a Stage 1b staging suggests that they've caught the cancer early, and hopefully they can resolve the issue without too much intervention

    I had both the WLE and the SLNB as I've always felt that if you're up against cancer, you use whatever tools you can to gain the advantage.  As it happens, they both showed progression of the disease and informed the medics on future treatment (in my case, additional surgery followed by immunotherapy).

    It all sounds grim I know, however after two years of treatment, I've been to see my oncologist today and he's confirmed I'm free of cancer and can stop treatment (I was diagnosed Stage 4 back in 2021).

    Good luck to you going forwards - please let everyone know how things progress, and please ask any further questions if I've confused rather than aided you!!

  • Hi KBS Does sound like our moles were in the same olace.  Unfortunately mine is 0.9mm thick, I have a Clarks score of 3 and my mitoses are high as well.  Not sure what anything means, but the dermatologist said that the mitoses score usually means a recurrence, so she is going to give me a thorough going over check soon.  However, I have had 4 blood clots in the last 2 years and have been sent for umpteen tests before being put on Xarelto for life.  At the moment I am feeling a bit like a tailors dummy with pins sticking out of me!  This is why I am being offered the sentinel lymph node.  Oh, and a scan to check whether it has already progressed!

    Just hoping that they have caught this in tine.

  • Dear Emo  So sorry to hear of your melanoma, this is what I am afraid of, but I think that you have to be aware of what things could be like.  Just hoping that my SlNB will be positive, although I rather think that it might not be.  My dermatologist said that my mistoses and clarks score were high, so not to expect.  She has made us an appointment with an oncologist already!  You have helped me, as it just shows that you can come out the other side intact.