Feeling overwhelmed

  • 20 replies
  • 78 subscribers

Hey all , so I’ve recently been diagnosed with a 1A melanoma. 
I had a mole appear on my leg at the beginning of may , it just looked different to my other moles so when I was at the drs I showed the nurse who referred to me to hospital straight away . I had it removed the following week and was told if I didn’t hear anything it was nothing to worry about .

so around a month ago I received a phone call saying the mole I had removed was a melanoma and I’d need to have another operation to have more skin taken away . I saw the specialist cancer nurse who explained everything and I had my operation the following week. I’m now waiting for the results 

I just feel sad ! I cried for the first few days , just couldn’t get my head around it . Then I feel guilty as I know lots more people have worse things than this.

just want to feel like me again. 

I feel really tired , fatigued and down at the moment. Is this normal??

Hope someone can help me please xx

  • Hi Panda 

    I feel the same as you awaiting my WLE appointment after melanoma diagnosis last week stage 1a 

    I need guidance like you 

    do they test the WLE tissue also 

    hope you recover soon x

  • Hi Thank you for replying to me , yes I was told they send it to the lab and I’d receive my results with in 6 weeks . 
    Been 3 weeks this coming Wednesday so hopefully not to long now 

    i think the waiting is the hardest part !!

    Hope you have your appointment soon 


  • Yes the waiting is the the worst part hoping it’s not much longer for you and all is well xx

  • Hello Panda. It's such a difficult time. I had a mole removed on my calf and it came back at Stage 1b, so I've had a WLE and SLNB lymph node biopsy nearly 2 weeks ago, so now I am waiting to see if it has spread. I try and stay positive but you do find your mind goes back to the big C word. I was looking forward to holiday in Spain and was initially gutted when I was advised to cancel, however over the last month my relationship with the sun has changed. Hopefully as they have cought both our cancers early our prognosis is good. Take each day as it comes, and try as best you can to stay positive. This group is great at answering and questions and concerns you may have. Sending you a hug. X

  • Hi really sorry for the late reply, I appreciate you replying to me .I’m sorry to hear you’ve been diagnosed with the 1b! Can I ask what tests did you have done to find out it was a 1b ?? Up to yet I’ve only had the mole removed then the WLE. 
    waiting on the results from that . I’m the same I’m trying to be positive but like you say the big C is a scary word !! I’m sorry you couldn’t make your holiday, really hope they have found yours early and before we both know it we will be ok . 
    possitive thinking for you too . Big hugs Hugging keep smiling xxx

  • When they took the original mole off, that's when it was tested and staged, mine came back 1b and yours 1a. They offered me a SLNB (sentinel lymph node biopsy) as the depth of my mole was close to the border line of being at a depth where they would check the lymp nodes as standard procedure. So that's where I am at, they have removed a bigger margin from around my mole and at the same time taken 1 or 2 lymph nodes from my groin area, this was done under general anaesthetic, to be sent for testing to see if my cancer has spread, hoping to get the results of the biopsy very soon. If it's positive for spreading to my lymp nodes, my stage changes to 3, if not, it will just be managed via self vilgilence and check ups with the cancer team. Hope this helps. X

  • Hi soulyboo my lymph nodes were taken from groin and are now swollen and foot still sore as had skin graft . How are you recovering.xx

  • Hi. Been for check up today, calf just about healed, groin a bit weepy so they have redressed both and I've to back next week. Calf feels ok. But groin is like burning/stingy/numby feeling, I was sooo looking forward to a hot shower and to wash my hair properly, gutted. Have you had SLNB results back yet?? X 

  • Hi no result yet they said 4 weeks. Got check up on Thursday. Yeah its rubbish not being able to have a bath or shower. Have you had results yet.

  • No not yet, that's the hardest but isn't it. Fingers crossed for us both. X