All over the place

  • 6 replies
  • 76 subscribers

The last few months have been the ride of my life. In Feb I went to the doctors with a an itchy mole on my back,I couldn't see it, my boyfriend pointed it out that i was scratching it. I knew in the back of my mind what it was.

As soon as I heard the Words Melanoma, Cancer and the local Cancer hospital I knew it was serious. I had a further excision after the initial removal and lymph nodes removed. After 7 weeks wait I got the all clear.

I thought I would feel relief, and I did a little, but I don't feel quite right in myself. Is that normal.?

I feel like the time has gone past in a blur, and I haven't really dealt with any of the emotions I have been feeling. I have lost all the confidence I did have, the view of my body has completely changed, and I feel anxious and emotional all the time. My mind is all over the place. 

People around don't seem to understand and keep telling me it's over and I'm done now. It's changed my life.

  • Hi, I can completely see where you are coming from, I’m in a similar situation. It’s horrible and scary. You will still be processing it all and likely in a bit of shock xx

  • I too am experiencing this and going through similar feelings. I also have family minimising what happened and comparing it to other people’s experiences - it’s very belittling and I feel like I have no right to how I’m feeling even though I know that my feelings are valid. It’s so frustrating and upsetting. I’m sending you big hugs and best wishes xo

  • Hey, I have found this too, people mean well but say the complete wrong things and it makes you feel guilty for feeling upset about what you are going through and like you can’t talk about it anymore :( xx

  • Hi VJ8, I totally agree with you. I had an atypical mole that turned cancerous on me after 50+ years so the diagnosis came as a complete shock. Like you I've now been given the all clear.

    Friends / family keep telling me that now that I have been given  the all clear I should be really pleased I have my old life back. No I don't and never will have my old life back, I have my new life that includes skin cancer in it and the 11 cm scar on  my stomach is a constant reminder of that.

    This is why forums like this are so important as it gives us a chance to talk to other people who understand what we are going through and don't make us feel guilty about it.,

  • I feel better that I am not alone in this feeling. I sometimes feel like I am being selfish thinking about myself or bad that telling people to be careful in the sun. 

    Problem is everyone is very self aware and they just want a tan, my friends are still using sun beds. Even a family member said that factor 30 was too high for them they wanted a tan to prove they had been away. Not that I would tell them how to live their lives, but I do tell them to be careful. Its like what I had been through was nothing and yeah I should go back to normal. 

    Thank you  For understanding 

  • My scar is smack on my waist, so lots of things rub and hurt it, with jeans being one of the worst offenders, as a result I haven't been able to wear any jeans since March when I had my biopsy. I bumped into someone today who I hadn't seen for a while and she was asking me how I was getting on, I told her I was doing OK, but I still couldn't wear jeans. Her reply well that's a small price to pay for being OK. I felt like saying to her, try not wearing jeans for 5 months as its a small price to pay for not having skin cancer.