Some advice

  • 6 replies
  • 75 subscribers

Hello , thank you for accepting me into the group I am a 24 year old female. I had a noticed a mole on my back that had changed shape colour and size. As my mum had stage 2 melanoma I have been worried so I had it checked by the GP. Within 2 days i was sent to dermatology who removed it for biopsy. That was over 3 weeks ago. I was told that results on the NHS are taking up to 8 weeks. Has anyone had to wait 8 weeks to be told that there results have came back and they do in-fact have melanoma ? I suffer from severe anxiety and study at university the unknown has knocked me all over the place. Just not knowing. Any advice on wait times for results i would highly appreciate thank you all. 

  • Please don't stress out, it does take long time depends on the severity.x

  • Thank you for your reassurance i really appreciate it ! X

  • I’m in the waiting game too. I had two removed last Saturday so not even a week’s wait yet, I’m not very good at waiting for things!

  • I didn’t think i was that bothered im pretty good at pushing my feelings aside but i have felt this creeping up all week especially the past couple of days it’s all thats on my mind i just want to know if im ok or not you know, i hope everything goes well for you x

  • Hello. This is my first time posting although I've belonged to the group for some time.  I had melanoma removed some years ago but for reasons I won't go into had a 14 week wait before I saw a dermatologist instead of the then recommended time of 2 weeks.   I was really anxious throughout the 14 weeks wait so can relate to your anxiety as I just knew it was melanoma.  Fortunately when I got to see the dermatologist he booked me in for removal within 3 days.   Have to say I felt relieved it had been taken out.  When I had the appointment for my results I was told it had gone to next stage and I was booked in for wide excision of the area.   What I am trying to say to you in a long roundabout way is try to think of it as they've taken the thing out be it cancerous or not  Its not there any more.  It sounds as though you found it early and your GP was on the ball, you were seen quickly by a dermatologist and it was removed quickly.   I'm sure if they found anything that needs further treatment they will bring your appointment time forward. 

    Wishing you good luck 

  • Hi dianne , thank you so much for your reply ! Im so sorry to hear this , i really hope your doing well now. I really appreciate the reassurance this has really helped me i never thought of it like it. Thank you i already feel some sort of relief.   your kind words have settled the nerves a little thank you thank you thank you xx