New diagnosis

  • 3 replies
  • 75 subscribers


Yesterday I found out that the small mole on my leg, which was removed 3wks ago is stage 1B Melanoma 0.9mm. I honestly thought it was just a mole, I'm sure it's been there a few years! Anyhow was a tad shocked, so I'm now waiting to see a consultant and then have a WLE and a SNB.

I had a holiday booked for September, which I've been advised to cancel, so was pretty sad about that but getting this sorted is priority.

Just after any advice or tips moving forward.

If and hopefully when the biopsy results are back, what happens a) if they melanoma hasn't reached my lymph nodes,  b)will I always be classed as person with cancer? c) if it has spread what next?

Sorry lots of questions, I've had a lot to take in in 24hrs haha.

  • Hi I've just replied to a post you put on one of my posts (hope that makes sense). I opted not to have the SLNB, as I thought the risks of complications outweighed the the reason for having it. I had an ultrasound scan of my lymph nodes and a full body ct scan instead, much easier. My CNS couldn't tell me not to have it done as it was my choice, but she did say that based on my results (1.7mm 5mm clear margins)  that I made the right choice.  I had to cancel one weekend away (3 days after my WLE), but since then I have managed to have various weekends away. I have just come back from a 5 day cycling holiday, which whilst I wasn't as fit as I could be, I was fit enough to enjoy and cycled 30+ miles a day. By the way I'm 60, so hope thus helps you feel better. 

  • Thank you for this reply too. Once I have the next consultation, I'll ask more questions, I should start writing them down now! Obviously,  was in shock yesterday and there is so much to take on board right now. The more I read the more scary it all sounds. Should I bury my head in the sand? Only joking. 

  • Hi  

    Firstly sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I was diagnosed with stage 1b melanoma in 2013 at the age of 29. 

    My mole was on my right arm and I also had WLE and SLNB. I initially said no to the biopsy but quickly decided I could not relax until I knew if it had gone to my lymph nodes. If it hasn't spread to your lymph nodes you will have regular check ups with the specialist to keep an eye on you. In my case it had reached my lymph nodes in my right axilla and therefore I had a lymph clearance. All other nodes showed no sign of infection. I made a good recover and with physio maintained full range of movement. 

    For the following 5 years I had regular check ups. Skin checks and physical examination. A couple of suspect moles removed but no sign of cancerous cells.

    It has now been 10 years since my first diagnosis and unfortunately I have now been diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma. I am due to start treatment in Aug/Sept after some more tests. 

    The moral of my story is you have a long life ahead of you. Take each step as it comes and deal with the here and now. Thinking too far in the future is overwhelming and with so many unknowns it isn't helpful to maintaining a positive outlook.

    I wish you all the best for the future.