Hello - any advice appreciated

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  • 74 subscribers

So I wanted to post on here just to say hello and introduce myself

I have a profile already set up which you will see was about my mum not me… unfortunately my mum lost her battle to lung cancer at the end of august after loosing my dad 7 years ago to bladder cancer 

I now post this for myself and I will also update my profile too ..

I’ve had a mole on my left upper arm for a few years now and I was concerned about it over 18 months ago but with my mum I didn’t get it checked there was just too much going on my mum was in and out of our hospice and on ketamine and methadone to control the pain and I am only child so was spending all my time with her understandly so I put myself second 

In that time it’s grown slightly not by much but has a dark edge to it which has always been there,  it’s flat and round with a pink colour too 

I do have lots of moles and I always used to sit in the sun… so I am probably high risk 

anyway finally went to get my mole checked yesterday the consultant suspects melanoma and is going to remove it next week as an urgent referral back in her nhs clinic as I saw her privately she said my results would be back the following week when I have my stitches removed 

I know I need to deal with this but I’m concerned that it will be something more and I’ve had so much to deal with over the past few years not sure I can cope with a 3rd cancer diagnosis 

I can see a lot of people respond well to treatment which is encouraging I’m trying not to get too far ahead but worried that it will be a melanoma 

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the melanoma group.

    I'm sorry to read that you might be dealing with melanoma after you've been through cancer with both your mum and dad.

    It's natural to worry that the mole will turn out to be melanoma but the only way to know for sure is for it to be biopsied. Lots of people have passed through the group who are absolutely convinced they have melanoma but, fortunately, come back after their biopsy results are back to say that it was just an atypical mole. I'll be keeping everything crossed that you become one of those people.

    I have found that the best way of dealing with all the uncertainty is to do things that I enjoy so that I don't have time to worry about the 'what ifs'. Lots of people find mindfulness really helpful and, if this something that interests you, clicking here will take you the NHS information about it.

    Do come back and let us know how you get on and, in the meantime, if you want to pop back with any questions or to have a rant, please feel free!


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  • Thank you so much for the response yes I will keep you updated and I will take a look at the links 

    thank you Katy x