New diagnosis

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I've had a mole removed on my upper arm and its come back as a 2a so the consultant is doing a wle a week on Monday. It's terrified me and I'm now thinking all my moles and freckles are different/raised etc.  I went out to meet family today and I'm so scared of being in the sun at all, I've got factor 50 sunscreen and I'm trying to cover up but I feel paranoid about being in any sun.  I'm always out walking the dog or in the garden so need to get a handle on my anxiety.  

This has been a shock as my husband(he's 59)  was diagnosed in October with a terminal brain tumour so I really need to be fit and healthy as we have a 12 year old son.  (I'm 51) 

I'm very nervous about the op and know I'll need regular check ups but I feel so teary and emotional with everything I'm facing.  I'm not telling the family as everyone has enough to process with my husbands diagnosis, I just feel so alone and scared. 

The consultant has been brilliant and said get the wle done and move on, it hasn't spread which is good but I have loads of freckles and moles so I'll need to keep an eye on those. 

After the wle do I just need to see the dermatologist regularly? has anyone had a scan? And do they do a full body check for any other possible moles? 

Sorry for all the questions ! 


  • Hi Jobo,

    Never be sorry for asking questions and it would only be unusual if you did not have anxiety. I know that I sure did!

    I was diagnosed Stg 3 in early 2020 after a WLE/SNLB pursuant to a mole removal on my upper arm. The surgery was out-patient and painless for me. After a regimen of immunotherapy I am currently cancer-free/non-detectable. When in the sun I wear a broad-rimmed hat, sunglasses, 70spf sunscreen and 50spf long-sleeve clothing that I find available online. I am fair complexioned/freckled and have had no reoccurence of melanoma by following these safeguards. (I live in Texas and work outdoors where it is often very bright and in excess of 100 degrees Fahrenheit) and I'm a 65 y.o. male.

    I get full body scans from my dermatologist 2x a year, soon to be 1x per year, and these give me great peace of mind.

    Your family is surely at a rough patch on this road of life and I send you my heart-felt prayers and best wishes. The preventive measures of scheduled skin scans and sun protection are important things to consider as well as following any directions of the oncologist. Melanoma treatment has come so far from the dark days of even 10 or 15 years ago.

    Wishing you the best


  • Thank you so much for your reply,  that makes me feel so much better knowing it can be ok and Im so pleased yours was a one off,  gives me hope! . I've ordered a few items of clothing and a parasol for when I'm out and about plus hats etc.  Thankfully we don't get those kinds of temperatures too often in the UK! I like being outdoors so will just need to rearrange things so I have more shady spots in future I think.  X

  • Hi Jobo 

    sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis … and how stressful for you on top of everything else. I’m 51 and I’m also newly diagnosed .. I’ve got with WLE and SNLB next Wednesday. I’m terrified too so when you read positive stories like Dave sent you, it’s somewhat reassuring and gives us hope. Thinking of you and so sorry for all the worries you have xx 

  • Hi Jacqui i hope all goes well for you too.  My consultant talked about the snlb but didn't seem to think it was worthwhile.  He said it was my choice but he was definitely  not endorsing it.  I assume you're having a general anaesthetic? I just want it over and done with,  I'm sat in the garden now in the shady bit and just spent a fortune on sunscreen and long sleeved tops! I didn't really sunbathe before but I like being outdoors so just need to be careful and not live in fear.  Let me know how you get on too xx

  • Different consultants must have different opinions … I’m either 1B or 2A and my consultant said it really should be done as once they’ve removed the skin using WLE they can’t then remove or biopsy the lymph nodes to check for any spread. It is optional though I believe. Others on here might be able to tell you more. I thought everyone that was stage 2 onwards was encouraged to have it done. I’d rather not have it done to be honest. 

    I‘m sat outside too - in the shade with factor 50 on. My nurses told me the best sunscreen is any that have 5 uv stars on the bottle - I’ve got tesco and they said Aldi’s own is also very good. Xx 

  • Yes I think it depends on the consultant, I have seen that most people seem to have it though.  I've always used nivea so will check the ratings, I'm also looking for a factor 50 cream for under makeup too.  My op us Monday so will update you x

  • Will be thinking of you Jobo … just think by Monday night you’ll be tucked up in your own bed and it’ll all be over xx 

  • Hi Jacqui

    Just wanted to see how you got on with your op? 

  • Hi JoJo - op went ok but was very sick after GA - they forgot to put the anti sickness meds in during the op, despite me telling them how sick I get. But the actual op itself has gone ok. Struggling to get around with it being right on the ankle joint so can’t bend the foot, but I am so pleased it’s over and I’m back home. How are you feeling? Hope you’re doing ok xx

  • Glad you're home but sickness doesn't sound great for you. I'm ok, just sat in the shade Sunglasses my arm is ok, just feels tight and twinges every now and again.  Im back at the dressings clinic next weds when I'll see what the scar is like. To be honest I'm not bothered what it looks like as long as it's done what it needs to! I was surprised at how much was cut out but its done now which is the main thing. 

    I'm a bit paranoid about any moles or bumps now and constantly feeling for anything different but I guess that's normal.  

    Hope you have people to wait on you and you can get some rest! 
