Mole appeared on melanoma scar and then faded…

  • 1 reply
  • 74 subscribers

Hello all,

I was diagnosed with melanoma in January 2019, stage 1b. I had a mole appear on my melanoma scar about two months ago, at least I noticed it then, dermatologist was happy with it and didn’t think it looked concerning. I was still concerned about its location but reassured by the consultation. 

A few days ago I noticed the mole looked like it had disappeared, but it’s actually still there, just completely faded. 

I don’t know whether it has appeared and disappeared without me realising in the last few years. 

Has this happened to anybody before? Any experience in miles fading?

 Thanks in advance. 

  • Hi  

    I haven't had a mole appear on my scar and then disappear but I know I'd initially be worried if I spotted this. 

    As you're not reassured by your consultant telling you that it's nothing to be worried about perhaps you could talk your concerns through with your SCNS. Then she can always arrange for you to see the consultant again if necessary.

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