Recent diagnosis

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  • 75 subscribers

Not a forum anyone wants to join i guess but happy to know there’s a community out there to help. So hi - I’m jacqui, 51, diagnosed last week with Invasive Malignant Melanoma pT2a. This comes after being told two years ago that my suspect mole was just a BCC … since turning black and having it removed, I’ve heard those horribly scary words. 

It’s gone to an MDT at the hospital but I’m due a call tonight from a plastic surgeon. My dermatologist told me expect a WLE and SNB. My excision was on my ankle where there isn’t much skin. I’m terrified on even having the phone call let alone going in for treatment. The whole thing has sent me into an all consuming spin at 100mph. 

Any advice .. or experience of the above treatment would be massively appreciated as Dr Google is putting the fear of God into me. 

Jacqui x

  • Hi Jacqui.

    Welcome and as numerous people have posted on here previously, checking on Google is definitely not advisable. It often reflects the historical position in terms of treatment, outcomes, etc., and doesn’t include the considerable advances in treatment over the last 10 years or so.

    I’ve had a WLE and SLNB (albeit to my scalp and my neck) and whilst neither is desirable, they are important steps in establishing the progress, or otherwise, of the cancer. Both have healed fully.

    I’d suggest you liaise with your specialist nurse to obtain any information you need, although I’ve found both the Macmillan website and the Melanoma Focus website to be down to earth and factual.

    Please be aware that a melanoma diagnosis isn’t the end of the world. I’m Stage 4 and nearing the end of a two-year course of immunotherapy. I’m feeling well, the cancer in my lungs and liver is no longer evident, and I’m nearing the end of a 7month, 1000 mile challenge to raise money for Melanoma Focus (36 miles to go!).

    Be positive (easy to say I know!), get as much information that you can, and look after your body (diet is important).

    All the best and good luck.

  • Thank you so much for your reply! Wow - you sound like you’re doing amazing and raising money in the process! I’m so grateful for your reply - it’s all new to me and super daunting! I think this forum will definitely be helpful to me, as I can see it has been to others, and it’s really good to have people like yourself who are there to offer support to others too. Thank you so much and keep going with your amazing journey back to full health x

  • Hi Jaqui, 

    Welcome to the forum and so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I personally found the hardest part being all the waiting between procedures, appointments, tests etc. I filled that time with googling to start with and I wouldn't recommend that, at all, for the reasons noted above. I personally found reading and posting here to be far more healthy, but I have to say, the mental toll for me was far more impactful than the physical. 

    Mine was on my left leg, just above the ankle. I had a WLE, SLNB and had to have a skin graft as there wasn't enough skin to bring it back together. Im 5 months on now and its all mostly healed at this point.

    In terms of advice - easy to say, but try to stay strong, keep yourself and your mind busy and not to worry too much if you can help it. You'll be in excellent hands with your medical team but make sure you ask any and all questions you have along the way. I found with my team that often they wouldn't proactively provide detailed information unless I asked for it. When I did ask, they were always more than happy to discuss at whatever level of detail I was comfortable with. One of the absolutely best conversations I had along the way was with the plastic surgeon at the point you are at right now - he was just brilliant and settled some of my worries at that point. 

    Anyway, all the very best to you!

  • Thank you so much for your reply. I’m glad to hear you are healing well. Sound similar to where mine is. Mine is quite literally just on the ankle at the front - so no skin to play with there either sadly. They’ve already said it’ll be plastic surgery. I have no idea what to expect - I feel like I was given a diagnosis - told I would need this operation and given my histology report to take away and then interpret via google. It’s scaring the living daylights out of me - so it helps so much to hear from people like yourself. Thank you so much 

  • I felt the same way. In my case, I was told it was 1a and that I'd need an SLNB/WLE, given a leaflet and sent on my way. I didnt even get the histology report, though I based on reading here, I did ask about the depth as I was walking out the door. When I read the leaflet I was given later that day, I already realised I wasn't 1a based on the depth alone. That conversation I mentioned above I had with my plastic surgeon was actually a consequence of that. In addition to talking through the WLE/SLNB, when I asked him, he provided a lot more information about what was in the histology report and confirmed mine was actually 1b. All things that had I known, would have reduced some of the worry of the previous 2 weeks.

    I know it varies, but in terms of the surgery I had, it was under general anaesthetic and they did it all in the same op. I went in at 8am and I was home by 3pm, all very efficient. Recovery was 2 to 3 weeks before I was properly up and about. Although I was allowed up to the loo etc, for the first 2 weeks they wanted me immobile and leg elevated as much as possible so as not to put too much strain on the graft. It wasn't too uncomfortable and I only used over the counter pain meds for the first 24 hours and no pain after that unless I overdid it. I wasnt allowed to drive for the first 3 weeks. 

    The one thing I didn't think of beforehand that in hindsight I wished I asked about, was what to expect from the WLE+ skin graft. By the time I was awake from the op, it was all dressed and that had to stay on for a week so I didnt get to see it. When I did, my partner and I were a little shocked by it when they removed the bandages, staples etc and we saw it for the first time - not sure what I expected but it was larger and deeper than I had thought it would be. Its healed a lot since then and looks much better, though it'll always stand out I think. I've also gotten used to its appearance now though..

    I barely even noticed the SLNB in all honesty

  • It’s all so scary and I’m just so glad there are people like your good self who are prepared to share. I know I’m going to be shocked when I see it - but I think it’ll just be so relieved it’s over with and I’ve got through the op x