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  • 74 subscribers

Hi, I’ve visited this site several times but not felt brave enough to share. I have melanoma, found on a mole at the bottom of my ribs   I had the mole for as long as I can remember but the doctor dismissed my concerns even though I knew it had changed. I went back in October because it had changed so much and grown and was given an urgent referral. It turned out to be stage 2 melanoma and following further tests found it had gone to the lymph nodes in my arm pit. I’m now going to Newcastle RVI for a consultation on Friday to discuss surgery and treatment. The lymph node has grown loads and is feeling very tender. I’m struggling to deal with it all but trying to put a brave face on. I feel so all over the place and angry that I was not listened to in the beginning. 

  • Hi, welcome to the forum. I've just started the journey myself, diagnosed in November and awaiting surgery after consultation in January. I understand some of what your feeling. I've started a journal, it helps, just about how I'm feeling. Feel free to ask questions no matter how silly you think they are. Everyone on the forum has been great and supportive. I wrote all my questions down before I visited the consultant, all 3 pages and that really helped. Everyone has said to me not to worry but I've found that really hard. I've had ok days, good days and really bad days, all these feelings are normal. I try to focus on getting out to walk each day, eating well and listening to music. Wishing you well